The first such discovery – neutrinos at the Large Hadron Collider

The international team from the Forward Search Experiment, led by physicists from the University of California, Irvine, made the first-ever discovery of candidates for Neutrino formed in Large Hadron Collider (LHC). In a research paper published in Physical Review D., scientists describe how they observed the six interactions of neutrinos during the activation of a pressurized accelerator. the basic w 2018 p.

Prior to this project, no traces of neutrinos were observed in the particle accelerator. This important breakthrough is a step toward developing a deeper understanding of these elusive particles and the role they play in the universe. Jonathan Feng, co-host of the FASER Collaboration.

The FASER trial provided two key insights. First, check that the position before the ATLAS reaction point in the LHC is the correct place to go Neutrino collision detection. Second, the collected data confirmed the effectiveness of using an emulsion detector to monitor this type of neutrino interaction.

The original FASER tool consists of Lead and tungsten platesAlternating layers with emulsion. During particle collisions in the LHC, some of the resulting neutrinos break against the dense metal cores, creating particles that pass through the layers of the emulsion and create visible traces after curing. These traces provide clues about the energy and types of particles – taon, muon or electron – and whether they are neutrinos or antineutrinos.

Feng believes that the emulsion works in a similar way to photography before the era of the digital camera. When 35 mm film is exposed to light, the photons leave traces that appear as patterns as the film is developed. FASER scientists were able to see the interactions of neutrinos after removing and developing the detector emulsion layers.

“After validating the effectiveness of the emulsion detector approach in observing the interactions of neutrinos generated in a particle collider, the FASER team is now preparing a new series of full instrument experiments that are much larger and more sensitive,” said Feng.

As of 2019, the Fenga team is preparing to conduct a trial with FASER tools for the purpose of Exploring dark matter at LHC. They hope to discover dark photons, which would give scientists insight into how dark matter interacts with natural atoms and other matter in the universe through extra-gravitational forces.

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