The food industry appeals to the Prime Minister.  “Meat factories have five or six days of CO2 stocks.”

“An immediate government response is required. Sectoral and industrial organizations are appealing to Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki for the immediate resumption of Grupa Azoty SA and PKN ORLEN SA Capital Group ANWIL SA production of fertilizers and carbon dioxide coaldry ice and nitric acid, are necessary to maintain the continuity of agricultural production and processing of food, water and beverages in Poland ”- reads the appeal, which was published on the website of the Polish Federation of Food Producers.

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Food producers appeal to Morawiecki. They want to reproduce synthetic fertilizers

PFPŻ states that Anwil, a company owned by PKN Orlen and Grupa Azoty SA, recently announced a reduction in nitrogen fertilizer production, “thus suspending the supply of inorganic materials essential to the food industry, especially carbon dioxide widely used in the food industry, as well as Sodium hydroxide used, among other things, for the production of spill products or ammonium compounds used, among other things, in the production of baked goods.”

The organization also states that Grupa Azoty stated that it is not possible to guarantee the supply of nitric acid, which is “necessary to keep production lines clean, which will also limit production capacity and food supply”.

As emphasized by the appeal, “the shortage of these materials does not result from the availability of raw materials, but from the futility of production due to the sudden and unprecedented increase in the prices natural gas “.

Gas shortage will prevent dairy products from being packaged

As we have read, a shortage of raw carbon dioxide supplies will lead to shortages of liquid carbon dioxide and dry ice in the Polish and European markets – “which is so critical, among other things, to the beverage, brewing, meat and dairy industries, that it even causes the need to suspend production And break chains. Cooling.”

– The unavailability of the materials needed in the market for production, i.e. carbon dioxide, will make it impossible to maintain the continuity of production for many companies in the food sector, and, accordingly, will limit the total supply of food, beverages and water, which will affect the food security of the Polish society – as Says Andrzej Gantner, Vice President quoted in the letter and General Director of the Polish Federation of Food Producers in the Confederation of Employers.

Carbon dioxide deficiency can cause problems in the food industryBeer, drinks, meat and cheese. What could be lacking in carbon dioxide?

On the other hand, Witold Choiński, president of the Polish Meat Federation, estimates that “meat plants have carbon dioxide reserves of five or six daysHe stressed that at a later time, pigs and poultry would be slaughtered, because no one had carbon dioxide. If the government does nothing about it, 80-90% of pork and poultry can be slaughtered.

The lack of gas will prevent filling, among other things dairy products as it occurs in the gas mixture where carbon dioxide is an important component. This means a tragic situation for the dairy sector – says Agnieszka Maliszewska, director of the Polish Milk Chamber, in a press release.

Grupa Azoty and Anwil Suspend Nitrogen Fertilizer Production

Gantner believes that “the unstable economic and political situation resulting from Russian aggression against Ukraine requires non-standard measures in many areas.” – But the most important task remains to ensure the security of the state and citizens in many dimensions, and one of them is undoubtedly food security – he notes.

“Poland, as one of the largest food producers in the European Union, is not only self-sufficient in this regard, but also guarantees the food supply of other member states. However, maintaining this role and position requires ensuring the continuity of production, which in turn is related to ensuring the supply of materials Necessary for food production and processing ”- wrote in the appeal.

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On August 23, Grupa Azoty announced a pause (immediate, from Tuesday, August 23) work Parts of the plant, including the production of nitrogen fertilizers, caprolactam and polyamide 6. This was explained by the “extraordinary and unprecedented increase in natural gas prices.” The company also said it “continued production.” stimuli, polyamide casings, humic acids, thermoplastic starch, and concentrated nitric acid. “Anwil also temporarily stopped production of nitrogen fertilizers.” Natural gas prices rose 41 percent during the week from €200.4/MWh (15.08) to €282.8/MWh. (08/23). In turn, since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, prices for these raw materials have increased by 218 percent, from 88.9 euros / megawatt-hour at 24.02 ”- the company confirmed in the press release.

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