The fourth wave of the pandemic.  Huge increases in the number of cases

The Ministry of Health reported 5,592 new cases of COVID-19 on October 21 before noon. In addition, in the past 24 hours, 46 people have lost their battle against the coronavirus. In particular, the first quoted figures are alarming. Many new cases have not been discovered in nearly a year. The last time the Ministry of Health would provide the highest data was on May 7, when the SARS-CoV-2 virus was detected in 6,053 people.

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Why do Poles not want to be vaccinated against COVID-19?

jump increases

The fact that we return to the known disease statistics from the third wave of the epidemic in the spring, which was severe for Poland and Poles, is not the only known fact. The dynamics of the increase in the number of people infected with COVID-19 in the past four weeks should cause further concern. This is Terrifying.


Even in the last week of September, the daily rate of 887 people infected with the coronavirus rose. However, in the first week of October, there were already 1,414 new cases, which translates to an increase of nearly 60%. And the second week of October will exacerbate this trend, because we posted another jump in the game – this time by more than 42 percent. The average weekly number of new cases was in 2014. But the worst in this regard was last week – from October 15 to 21. Here, on average, an infection is found in 3,592 people per day. That’s a jump of 78.4 percent. compared to the previous week.

More about the escalating fourth wave of the coronavirus pandemic Read on

The numbers don’t lie. You can see in black and white that the fourth wave of the epidemic is spreading with each successive week. Assuming that the current staggering pace will continue over the next four weeks, in the third week of November, the seven-day average infection could reach 36,000. Cases This is of course the worst possible scenario that does not include new old restrictions. But even if the restrictions are imposed immediately, we will only succeed in slowing the current trend. Especially since the noticeable effects of restrictions are more or less noticeable with a delay of two weeks.

Restrictions on the horizon

The referees understand that the situation is getting dramatically worse.

The past few days are a departure from stable growth. The situation is getting serious. We can see that not only at the level of infection, but also at the level of hospitalization

The Minister of Health accepts a press conference to be organized on October 20.

Walls on the borders of EuropeLooking at the other race in Fortress Europe, Polish sweating would be widespread. This is what the rest of them look like [ZDJCIA]

This situation is an alarm for us, a huge red light

– Adam Nidzelsky confirmed.

The head of the Ministry of Health confirms what we are writing about, and therefore the astonishing increase in the weekly dynamics of new cases of COVID-19.

In the past few days we have been dealing with an outbreak of an epidemic. We have 85% and 100%. increases from week to week

Denotes the politician.


Nidzelsky admits that both the Ministry of Health and the government are already considering restrictions aimed at slowing the development of the fourth wave of the epidemic.

Now is the time to take more and more drastic measures. We’ll have to take them if the trends continue

– to explain. But he emphasized that “there is no discussion about the closure at the moment”, and in the context of All Saints he added that the cemeteries “will definitely open and there will be no surprise.”

The Three Pillars of the Fourth Wave

Why is the situation in Poland deteriorating so quickly and suddenly? There are three main reasons. First, the Coronavirus Delta variant is the most infectious and dangerous strain of SARS-CoV-2 we’ve seen to date. It is spreading rapidly, and people suffer from it more severely than the British variant, which was prevalent earlier in Europe.

Secondly, in many European countries, the fourth wave of the epidemic has already entered a more advanced stage than in Poland. in a Great Britain We have 40-50 thousand new cases per day, in Ukraine and Germany po okoo 20 tys. Many countries on the Old Continent are restoring restrictions and considering lockdowns. However, in the event that mobility between countries continued, it was only a matter of time before we noticed a serious increase in the number of patients in Poland.

Professor Peter Kona“We have a weak and powerless immune system… we will be infected with the Corona virus”

Finally, third, we were defeated in persuading the Poles to proceed. Despite extensive promotions and material incentives, the National Szczepie Program (NPS) is failing to do its job. Many Poles still fear vaccinations and do not want to be vaccinated.

When it comes to vaccinating the population, we are on the gray end of the European Union. Only 53.09 percent of respondents have taken at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Poles (52.32 percent two and 0.77 percent). They are just behind us Croatia (45.94), Slovakia (45.55) and Romania (34.61). It makes no sense to compare with the countries that lead the European Union in terms of vaccination – in Spain, Portugal and Malta, at least one dose was taken 80%. The population that gives a result is very close to obtaining the so-called resistance of the population to the delta variable. However, even the EU average (68.43) is a completely elusive result for us.

The Polish government knew very well that we would face the fourth wave of the epidemic in the fall. He also knew that the NPS in its current form had suffered a severe failure. Likewise, he knew that less than a quarter and even a third of Poles do not plan to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Nothing has been done on any of these topics.

It can be assumed whether this was laziness or a conscious decision, resulting from the fact that the lion’s share of opponents of the coronavirus vaccine (especially mandatory) and the stricter restrictions on unvaccinated people live in areas that are political strongholds of governance. Ceremony. It would be a politically risky decision, although it is also advisable from a medical and economic point of view, to make their mark in a situation where the ruling coalition has been going through difficult months lately. However, this is not done. Politics won again with responsibility and common sense. Today we’re starting to see the effects of such a track, but we’ll see them in full glory in about a month.

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