The Hogwarts legacy could take a long time.  The game will start after the famous movie

Warner Bros. The exact official release date for Hogwarts Legacy hasn’t been given, but it seems very likely that the item won’t be released to the market until the second half of 2022. Rachel Wakley referred to the production theme and mentioned the first appearances of two titles from the Harry Potter universe.

In January, the makers of Hogwarts Legacy announced that Players waiting for the premiere will have to be patientThe team’s priority is to provide the best quality stories possible. The Avalanche Software title kicked off the season of delays, not long after and many of the strong and anticipated shows gone as of 2021.

Hogwarts Legacy still doesn’t have an exact first date, but we can assume we’ll wait for the game until the second half of 2022. Rachel Wakeley, CEO of Warner Bros. During an interview with Toy World magazine about the world of Potter You mentioned “Prime Ministers”.

The label representative confirmed that At first we will watch a movie (Fantastic Beasts: Dumbledore’s Secrets), then we’ll play a game. The title, directed by David Yates, won’t be shown in theaters until April 8, so an Avalanche Software production will be available in the following months. However, since the Warner Bros. Start in late June. It may delay its appearance and make the RPG available only in the second half of the year.

The scale of the project, the strength of the brand, and the immense popularity of the Harry Potter universe mean that the publisher may be tempted to offer the game in the hot season (September-November).


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