The Ikea Generation 2023 movie review
Although “Ikea Generation” is about sex, the film differs from productions such as the “365” series, “Temptation” or “Heaven and Hel(l)”. It comes to us on the same erotic wave, but different. In the case of Dawid Grall’s full-length debut, we’re dealing with a spoiled rom-com and a lost-and-miss narrative, whose main character pretends for most of the movie to be completely out of touch with romance. standard. However, for almost the entire examination, he normalized various types of violent behavior and words, which were tongue-in-cheek, apparently disgraceful. Quoting the author of the literary original: “Sex is a test of strength. You enter the ring (…)”.
Piotr C. alias “Czarny” – a thirty-something lawyer from Warsaw (because otherwise) – messes with “alphabetical sex”. The man even keeps his old school notebook in which he meticulously jots down his sexual bills – most of them one-offs. a little like this song by wilkie band (Baśka had pretty tits / Anya had style, and Zośka had something for me to like… ), do you remember? Although – let’s be honest – with Piotr C. Robert Gawliński grows almost to the rank of Petrarch. Similar to “Inventory of Adulterers 2.0” by Peter C reconnaissancein style hot or not (One queen is 8/10, another is 6/10, another is 4/10, etc.).

Black guides us through the modern world of dating apps as if Tinder appeared in the world yesterday. man explains Mouth full. The Gral movie opens with such a huge montage sequence from the series hi guys! Welcome to my world. Piotr tells us from the outside in Koterski style “what’s five”, there are on the screen – usually orgasmic – women of different ages (as if it were otherwise, we try to be Vogue magazine’, even in ‘The Satin Pig’), to this shot of Warsaw skyscrapers, and in the background everything is eerily enhanced by Ravel’s ‘Bolero’. First movie reference? “Manhattan” (1979) by Woody Allen opens, postcard sequence in New York. Why am I not surprised?

Understand me well: It’s not that David Grall can’t do anything. You can see that the director tried to “straighten” the prototype for his debut screen. But “He who is empty and Solomon is not hurt.” Grall plays with the audience on two fronts. On the one hand, it supposedly stigmatizes the protagonist’s puritanical and misogynistic actions, and on the other hand, it completely sinks into them. And so under the dictation of this crippled schizophrenic, schizophrenic – who is actually like Pars for this Czarny’s relationship with the only person close to him (aside from his mother and Rooster’s girlfriend), i.e. Olga – the entire film’s narrative is metered. And even more than anger, disappointment and emotion, after showing the “Ikea Generation” – to my surprise, I must honestly admit – I felt terribly, painfully, tired.

I’m tired of standing next to this world, to which I was first willingly invited (until I was torn apart by force), and then expelled (a bit like that episode with the girl from the club, maybe Aleksandra, who, according to Czarny, is not very good with the tongue). Next to these puppet characters, who – I will not say – sometimes stand next to real people (especially Olga played by Michalina Olcieska). Millennial life as seen by Peter C. A perpetual party lined with moral hangovers. Pleasure as a commodity (another commodity, another IKEA cabinet?), and it is our duty to consume it. Since we can get everything from the world at every step, basically…we get nothing. Moreover, we can no longer determine what is authentic in the flood of copies and shadows. Since it is difficult for us to live “beyond the pleasure principle,” we succumb to appearances, fantasy, and artificial ecstasy with our heads down.

Technology can propel us into space, to the moon and backBut we still act, love, and suffer driven by myths that refer us more to Homer than Tinder. Nobody can get rid of this baggage. And it’s not about getting rid of it. But it certainly doesn’t (and won’t) teach us anything—the film version, let alone the literary version of the “Ikea generation.” Although Black makes up the alphabet a lot, he is emotionally uneducated. The message arrived, but why this broker?

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