The insured person will receive PLN 1,431 in the event of an accident at work or occupational disease.  For death from PLN 25,044 to PLN 128,799.  We know the compensation rates applicable from April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025.

The insured person will receive PLN 1,431 in the event of an accident at work or occupational disease

Starting April 1, for every percentage of permanent or long-term health damage resulting from an accident at work or occupational disease, the insured person will receive compensation in the amount of 1,431 Polish zloty – Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Policy stated.

Compensation rates are effective from April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025.

An announcement was published by the Minister of Family, Labor and Social Policy in the Polski Monitor regarding the amounts of one-time compensation for work accidents or occupational diseases to be applied From April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025

As indicated in the announcement, the amount of one-time compensation for a work accident or occupational disease will be PLN 1,431 per percentage of permanent or long-term health damage.

25.044 Polish złoty – when

In case of complete incapacity for work and inability to live independently of the insured person, the one-time compensation amount will be PLN 25,044.

In accordance with the Social Insurance Law regarding work accidents and occupational diseases, family members of the insured person who died as a result of an accident at work or occupational disease are also entitled to a one-time compensation. This compensation is also paid in the event of death as a result of a work accident or occupational disease to the pensioner who was entitled to a pension from accident insurance.

For death from 25,044 PLN to 128,799 PLN

In the event of the death of the insured person, the amount of compensation paid to the family ranges from PLN 25,044 to PLN 128,799. The amount of compensation depends on, among other things: the degree of kinship and the number of beneficiaries.

Source: SSPAP

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