The JUICE spacecraft took images of the Moon and Earth. Pioneering maneuver and time lapse

The JUICE space probe launched last year and is targeting Jupiter’s nearby moons. It won’t get there fast, though, and will need several gravitational assists before it can accelerate toward the gas giant. That breakthrough was made earlier this month.

Earlier in August The JUICE spacecraft performed a historic gravity maneuver for the first time. Earth and Moon usedThis was a very complex mission that no agency had ever done before ESA. The operation was successful and the spacecraft took various pictures during the flight.

The European Space Agency has released a record of images taken during the JUICE spacecraft’s flybys of the Moon and Earth. The views are stunning and breathtaking. Be sure to check them out in the video below.

The double gravity assist performed by JUICE, which the European Space Agency performed earlier this month, was one of several maneuvers the spacecraft will face before it begins its journey to Jupiter.

The target of JUICE is selected moons of Jupiter, which the spacecraft will study (after reaching its destination) for several years. ESA’s plan assumes that the probe It will reach Jupiter’s orbit in 2031.Later, it will begin taking a closer look at three objects orbiting the gas giant. These are: GanymedeCallisto Eye Europe.

The latter is particularly interesting. Some scientists believe that ice-covered Europa has a liquid ocean beneath its surface, which could harbor life! JUICE will have to do a few more maneuvers first.

In August 2025, the spacecraft will benefit from the gravitational assistance of Venus. It will then approach Earth twice more (in September 2026 and January 2029). This will allow JUICE to accelerate and the probe will then fly at high speed towards Jupiter, where it will then spend the next few years. Once the mission is complete, the spacecraft will be destroyed. ESA will direct it into the atmosphere of the giant planet.

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