The Killer’s Game trailer is a mess of John Wick stunts.  Innovative fight scenes

Killer game It is an action film produced by Lionsgate, the studio responsible for producing the series John Wick. The director is a fight choreographer and stuntman. JJ Perry From 87Eleven – the group best known for producing fight scenes in the John Wick series. He is also the protégé of Chad Stahelski, the creator of the series about the famous killer.

Perry made his directorial debut with the film Daily change. He has previously worked as a stuntman, but many fans of the genre know him best as an excellent fight choreographer in the classic film. Champion 2In which Scott Adkins played Boyka.

Killer game – zwiastun

Trailer for adults only. Graphic and bloody scenes of violence.

The project is based on the book by Jay R. Bonansingh. Rand Ravitch and James Quinn are responsible for the screenplay.

The main role is played by Dave Bautista. We will see on screen many famous actors, including action stars: Marco Zaror, Sofia Boutella, Terry Crews, Scott Adkins, Pom Klementieff, Daniel Bernhardt, Drew McIntyre and Ben Kingsley.

Killer’s Game – What is the movie about?

The main character of the production is Joe Flood, a paid killer who takes pride in killing only people who deserve it. One day, the man learned that he had a terminal illness and only had a few months left to live. Faced with this disastrous diagnosis, Flood decides to create an open contract for himself with assassins from around the world. However, it soon turns out that there is something wrong with the lab and Joe is fully recovered. Now the hero will have to stop his former teammates who are trying to kill him.

The Killer’s Game – premieres September 13 in theaters.

Photo: press materials

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