The last evening of District 31 produces fantastic ratings for Radio-Canada

Radio-Canada has released the rating results for the evening of April 21st, which is reserved for the end of the popular series District 31.

The last episode was watched by 1,972,000 people *. This is the 3rd most watched episode in the series.

1,390,000 viewers tuned in to the specialInfoman When good evening! 1,155,000 people reached the final. See the recordings of this show here.

The end of District 31 was a great emotional moment for the huge audience that fell in love with this cult series. So extending this feeling in Infoman and Ponzoire Ponzoire specials is welcome! Those who know how to pay homage to District 31 while respecting their own DNA. My heartfelt thanks to them. I take this opportunity to give the final hint of the hat to everyone who made District 31 one of the most memorable series in television history. “, Announced Danny Melol, director general of Radio-Canada Television.

Note that we now know what the title of the series to be changed is District 31. Check it out here.

* Source: Numeris (PPM), French Quebec, 2 years +, Thursday, April 21, 2022, Confirmed data.
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