The latest discovery changes what we know about human evolution

Analysis conducted by British archaeologist Stephen Mithen indicatesThe first proto-language evolved much earlier than previously assumed. Most experts on human evolution assume that humans began speaking about 200,000 years ago. Years ago.

Mithen's research suggests that the language may be up to 8 times older. It is thought that it may have evolved 1.6 million years ago, somewhere in eastern or southern Africa. Its analysis is based on a detailed examination of all available archaeological, paleoanatomical, genetic, neurological and linguistic evidence.

The researcher pointed out that the human brain grew especially rapidly between 2 and 1.5 million years BC The growth of the brain itself was accompanied by changes in its structure, such as the emergence of the frontal lobes associated with language production and understanding. This is Broca's area, which evolved from earlier structures responsible for early humanity's ability to communicate using gestures.

The rest of the article is below the video

The appearance of Broca's area was not the only one An element of fundamental importance.

Scientists point out that humans, compared to many animals, do not have much strength. In order to survive, they had to compensate for their physical weakness. From an evolutionary perspective, language may have been a form of this compensation.

Mithen points out that hunting large animals, Early humans needed group planning and coordination skills, which language certainly facilitated.

About 1.6 million years ago, representatives of our species began to transfer stone tool-making techniques, Which clearly indicates the presence of speech. The researcher also asserts that language could have enabled the expansion of the human race, which occurred about 1.4 million years ago. It made it possible to invent and plan future activities, as well as transfer accumulated knowledge.

Mithen also suggested that there may be continuity Between early language created 1.6 million years ago and the one we use today. We're talking about words that describe the things they represent by their sounds or length.

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