The Matura exam – 2011 annulment of the chemistry exam. The case will be heard by the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg

In 2011, a group of 53 high school graduates writing an Extended Secondary Certificate in Chemistry—according to the District Examination Commission in Lodz—had to do so independently. The test result is cancelled. So far, some graduates have not come to terms with this decision. The ruling will be issued by the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. The director of OKE in Lodz argues that today there is a more extensive procedure to appeal against the decision of the examination committee.

They feel hurt and are convinced that an unfair decision years ago may have a negative impact on their future. Onet portal reached the graduates of two secondary schools in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyskie – the second and third numbers. On the high school leaving exam card, as many as 53 candidates scored a zero on the extended chemistry exam—the key to entry in many fields, including medicine. The score of zero was related to the fact that the Provincial Examinations Board in لودód decided that the then high school graduates did not write independently.

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The high school graduates attempted to appeal first to the county and then to the Supreme Administrative Court against the decision of Danuta Zakryuska, the president of OKE in Lodz (now retired). The two courts did not consider the complaint of the 2011 high school graduates, noting that they were not specialized in this matter. Graduates of two high schools in Ostrovik – Onet states – also sought help from the Constitutional Court, but in 2015 it stated that the courts could not invalidate their final exams and that the examinees made their decisions.

Eventually, a group of 18 of Ostrovík’s most determined high school graduates signed a complaint to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Strasbourg. Maciej Kałach and Piotr Rogoziński, authors of the text on the Onet portal, say that high school graduates prove that Poland has violated their rights – incl. To court and study. Judgment has not yet been issued.

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Variable actions

The editorial office contacted the District Examinations Board in ód. The current director, Marek Szymansky, remembers the case 11 years ago. – At that time, the examined persons did not actually have procedural possibilities to appeal the decision of the OKE. I would like to emphasize that until then exams have been canceled only in well-documented cases of dependent work – says the director of OKE.

Currently, according to the report of Marek Szymansky, a high school graduate is informed that his work may be canceled due to suspected dependency. – Such a doubt is given by the person reviewing the work, who must support it with specific arguments. If the evidence collected is credible, the test taker is informed of their intent to invalidate it and may provide appropriate explanations, says Marek Szymansky.

He explains that the evidence of accreditation is, for example, the appearance of identical and non-standard statements or errors in many works.

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two cases

After considering the allegations, the high school graduate must wait for the decision of the district examination committee chair. The decision is made after consulting other examiners. We check if dependent action can indeed occur. All doubts are evaluated in favor of the candidate. That is why the cancellation of exams is a very accidental event – confirms Marek Szymański.

After the decision is made, the examiner may appeal against it to the head of the Central Examinations Committee. His decision is final.

This broad appeals procedure did not exist before. However, I would point out that until then, rescinding the BA was a decision that would not have been taken without conclusive evidence – says OKE’s president at ód.

color “sapphire”

Danuta Zakrioska, OKE president in Lodz, argued in an interview with Onet that the decision was made after consulting with “several groups of experts appointed to investigate the Ostrowiec case”.

Zakrzewska notes that there are very characteristic errors in the work of students: for example, in one of the tasks, test takers had to determine the color of the material after conducting the described experiment. The correct answer was from brown to yellow. And test-takers from Ostrowiec answered in unison “sapphire”.

High school graduates are defending themselves that their teacher taught them this way and it is not proof that they cheated.

The date of the declaration of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg has not yet been announced. High school graduates from Poland expect five thousand euros in compensation and compensation for difficulties in implementing life plans.

Main image source: PAP / Marcin Bellecki

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