The most wanted man arrested in Poland.  “She went because she was praying remotely on WhatsApp”

According to the group led by Detective Wojciech Koczynski, Joanna S. and her son Michael S. For several years they have been living in the Spanish city of Ayamonte, located in Andalusia, on the border with Portugal.

– They found a house next to the river and the bridge. It was enough to pass by and find yourself in another country. It was a plan in case there was a problem — InvestProtect’s Koszczyński, who led the investigation into Joanna S.

She changed her hair color and started a new life

The investigator’s findings show that Mikael S. was developing several online stores during the period he was in hiding. Some of them presented a variety related to his new hobby – hunting. These stores are officially registered with the address and contact details of Michael S.’s father and ex-husband Joanna S – Ulf S. The man lives in Sweden, where he has started a new family.


How was Joanna Q and her son arrested? The woman was in constant contact with her relatives and friends from Sweden and PolandWith her, she participated in remote services of one of the religious organizations in Gdynia, led by a well-known pastor in the city of Tri. Group meetings were held on the popular WhatsApp messenger app.

– Through the GSM network and information technology, we were able to determine the exact place of residence, that is, the city of Ayamonte – says Koszczyński. – Our group was not present at the time of the arrest, but we have good contacts with the Spanish police and we know that Joanna S was completely surprised. She wasn’t expecting the police to find her in the end. She and her son had changed their hair color, and were convinced they had already started a new life, far from the troubles they had left in Poland – he says.


– The woman managed to hide from the police thanks to fake ID cards – says Wojciech Koszczyński. In addition, helped to hide a typo in the name in the system that allows you to check the people who have been prosecuted under the European arrest warrant.

“Joanna S. Lost Control of Money”

We asked the investigator, regarding the detention of Joanna S.

We don’t know how much money is left says the investigator. From our information and from what appeared in the case of Joanna S in the investigation pandora leaves It shows that at some point a woman lost control of the flow of money, and could not manage it. Many of them were lost, or were spent on various business ideas for Joanna S. and her son, which did not bring any benefits.


See also: Wholesale amber gold. “Unfortunately greed still wins sometimes”

You fooled people from the front pages of the newspapers

Both are currently awaiting extradition to Poland in Spanish custody.


In return, they got a promise that she would invest in artwork. The investor did not even see the alleged business, because – as the detainee said – transportation, security, etc. were very complicated and expensive.

Her business under the name “Galleri New Form” (based in Trelleborg) was a model financial pyramid. The people who “invested” first got the money and profits. Among them, it was supposed to be, as Polsat News reported in its report, Marian Banay, the current head of the Supreme Court of Accounts. Actress Grażyna Wolszczak can also lose money.


Where are the 300 million PLN?

“During the investigation, it was found that Galleri New Form offered investments in artwork. It consisted in obtaining ownership of an artwork for a period of at least 6 months to a year. After the expiry of the deadline set in the contract ”- informs the Public Prosecution Office.

Total losses of investors amount to at least 300 million PLN, and the Prosecutor General’s Office has recovered 22 million. Her partners – incl. Conrad and . From Gdynia, owner of an advertising agency. According to the Swedish Prosecutor’s Office, he received 76 million PLN for cooperation. Pass transactions through a Cypriot company – hence the references to Joanna S in “Pandora’s Papers” – because the entire investigation focuses on money laundering and concealment of assets with Cypriot companies.

Because of the illusory rotation of artwork and financial pyramidThe allegations have so far been heard by six people. They found silver, gold bullion and coins.

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