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The Netherlands plans to build a nuclear power plant next to the border with Germany. You may not like this in Berlin.
On Wednesday, April 26, the Dutch government adopted an ambitious climate package, which assumes massive investments in reducing emissions over the next seven years. One element of this plan is building new nuclear power capabilities. The Dutch want to allocate 65 million euros for research into installing small nuclear reactors (SMR).
The Netherlands has been announcing investments in nuclear energy for some time now. At the end of 2022, the government of Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte announced the construction of two new nuclear power plants. It should be built by 2035. It will be built in the southwest of the country, in the province of Zeeland. However, expanding the investment plate with SMRs has also brought a new potential site for the Dutch nuclear power. This is the province of Limburg, which borders the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia.
The establishment of nuclear power in this region is supported by local authorities, companies and scientists. A more precise location has already been determined. This is a kemelot in Sittard Geilen, about 30 kilometers from Aachen. There is a chemical plant operating there, which is one of the largest energy consumers in Limburg.
The Dutch’s advertisements were already widely commented on by the German media, for example by the Rhineland Press. The Germans, who shut down their last three nuclear power plants on April 15, may not like such a move from their neighbors. They had previously criticized the Dutch nuclear plans. Even Lower Saxony’s environment minister, Olaf Laess, said he would do everything he could to block these activities.
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