The new sticker on the glass as of May 4, 2022. Who is obligated and what is the fine for not?

The regulation for a poster model for vehicles authorized to enter the Clean Transport Zone was signed on March 31, 2022 by the Minister of Climate and Environment. The relevant provisions were published in the Journal of Laws on April 19, 2022, and on May 4, 2022, these regulations come into force.

From now on, the distinctive green sticker will be a feature that gives the vehicle entry to clean transport zones throughout Poland. Although there are no such designated areas in Polish agglomerations yet, the law allowing vehicles to enter these districts, which will be established sooner or later, is ready.

As a reminder, it entered into force in December 2021 systems On Clean Transportation Zones, which are included in the Electricity Mobility and Alternative Fuels Act Amendment. An individual municipalities They can designate areas in which only cars that meet certain requirements are allowed to enter. These cars must be marked with the green sticker mentioned above. The cost of its issuance should not exceed 5 PLN.

The sticker that authorizes the vehicle to enter the clean transfer areaThe sticker that authorizes the vehicle to enter the clean transfer area press material picture

Local governments will issue octagonal stickers. In a licensed vehicle, the lane must be affixed to the lower left corner of the vehicle’s windshield. The information contained therein relates to the year of production of the vehicle and the type of fuel, Registration number The name of the municipality establishing the Clean Transportation District. For clarity, the label also has a graphic with a marker indicating the clean transfer area.

It is noteworthy that there is no information about the European emission standard on the label. It is the municipalities that give out stickers that will be able to specify the criteria that vehicles must meet (eg meet the Euro 4 or 5 standard or the maximum age of the vehicle) in order to be allowed to enter the area. Therefore, it is easy to predict that the regulations for entry to different societies will differ from each other, and this may cause confusion. In simple terms, a vehicle authorized to enter the Warsaw Clean Transport Zone may not have such a right of the zone in Krakow. Work to create clean transport zones is already underway in these cities. If the rules are different, the only solution would be separate posters for each city.

Drivers who enter the clean transfer area without proper markings on the vehicle will be threatened Authorization criminal. Regulated by Article 96 c. From the Crimes Code: “Anyone who does not comply with the ban on entering the clean transport zone is subject to a fine of up to PLN 500”.

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