The president of the Polish Football Association praised the actions taken in the Souza case.  There is one scratch in the picture

In recent days, the authorities of the Polish Football Association were faced with a very difficult situation by Paulo Sousa. On Sunday, December 26, the Portuguese unexpectedly decided to request a termination of the contract with the Polish Federation, having on the table a ready-made contract with Flamengo of Rio de Janeiro, with whom he negotiated behind the back of Cesare Colizza.

In an interview with, sports marketing experts evaluated the actions of Cezary Kulesza very positively, since he had to deal with the first crisis situation during his tenure as a PZPN helmeted man.

– Cesare Colisa certainly acquired an image. His reaction and statements in this case were, in my opinion, perfect. When he took office, many people said he would be president ‘wicie, understand’, it would be a throwback to the time of the Polish Football Association, Grzegorz Lato. Meanwhile, in the case of Souza, his statements were firm, but on the other hand, very objective and reassuring. There was no such citation that captured the journalists. He spoke and acted in this situation like a real boss: firmly, firmly, but without going crazy – notes Rafai Romanyuk, co-owner of the Arskom group – Sport Brokers.

The only inconsistent movement of the federation was the brief announcement made after the extraordinary meeting of the Polish Football Association, where it was announced that a meeting had been held and that there would be no further comments on the coach until further notice. It has been the subject of a lot of ridicule on the Internet.

– This letter was completely unnecessary. It was a mistake, says Rafael Romaniuk, to issue such a two-sentence letter, which was nothing but astonishment. – Aside from the announcement on Wednesday afternoon, everything was fine. But I am also able to understand that the Polish Football Association wanted to confirm that it is bound by legal requirements, so it cannot provide specific information too soon – confirms Maciej Akimo, Head of Shark Agency. – After the election of the new PZPN board of directors, a change in communication can be observed. Zbigniew Boniek often posted on Twitter something that was not in the interest of the Polish Football Association. And now you can see that these movements are well thought out – he adds in an interview with

Marketers believe Souza left behind scorched earth and became a public enemy among fans. The Portuguese coach in the network has been aggressively attacked, among others Mateusz Borek and TVP Sport Director Marek Szkolnikowski. Kamil Celik revealed on Twitter that he blocked Souza’s number on WhatsApp. According to the head of Shark Agency, such behavior should not happen.

– In my opinion, it does little harm to the class of these people. He believes that gentlemen should not speak certain words, no matter what Paulo Sousa did. There is a strange trend among influencers and sports journalists who are taking advantage of this situation to build their populist image. It seems to me that some journalists who have been in this market for years compromise their statements a little more than Coach Souza himself – adds Akimo.

Sports marketing specialists believe that Adam Nawakka should take over the legacy of the Portuguese, who still evokes very positive emotions among fans.

– I think everyone forgot about the failed World Cup in 2018, when the Poles, led by Nauschka, withdrew very quickly. Years later, he still remembers more successes, and reaching the quarter-finals of Euro 2016 – and practically reaching the final – was the team’s biggest success for many years. Nawałka is associated with this success. Hiring him now will be a natural step and will be well received – says Rafai Romaniuk in an interview with

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