The ridiculous Gronkewicz-Waltz post.  Caused a storm on the Internet

US Ambassador to Poland Mark Brzezinski met with the President of PKN Orlen, Daniel Obajtek, “to talk about the possibility of a US-Polish partnership in the field of nuclear energy.” Meanwhile, the former Mayor of Warsaw, Hana Gronkewicz Waltz, stated that … “She does not understand the reasons for this meeting.” Her post sparked a flurry of comments on the web.

Today I had the pleasure of meeting DanielObajtek, CEO of PKN Orlen, to talk about the possibility of a US-Polish partnership in nuclear energy. We also had the opportunity to discuss other areas of strategic cooperation

– wrote on Twitter the US ambassador to Poland Mark Brzezinski.

I don’t understand the reasons for this meeting

Reply to the entry of the American ambassador Hanna Gronkewicz Waltz.

A flurry of comments after Gronkiewicz-Waltz’s post

The entry of the former President of Warsaw and the former deputy head of the Civic Platform caused a flurry of comments on the Internet.

And I don’t understand when you say “rhubarb”.

It doesn’t surprise me at all

please do not worry. They did not talk about stolen dwelling houses and bribes to officials of the Warsaw City Hall.

Take a course in thinking.

Please read again, the Ambassador clearly wrote: “To talk about the possibility of a US-Polish partnership in the field of nuclear energy.”

You didn’t understand anything

You don’t have to understand.

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