If you like Robert Redford or simply American cinema, this book is for you, an incredibly detailed and sensitive portrait of one of Hollywood’s biggest stars. Reveals some exclusive photos with Paris match text.
Seven-sixty-five pages are devoted to a single man, who for fifteen years worked and collaborated across the United States, meeting friends and relatives of the star and drawing as complete a portrait as possible. The autobiography “Robert Redford”, “Note” is dedicated to one of the greatest figures in American cinema.
With his family and his lawyer and friend Mike Frankfurt in Murren, Bernice Oberland, Switzerland, in the winter of 1968.
© Mike Frankfurt – Robert Redford – The Trace.
The star’s entire life is described in detail, from his youth in California until the founding of the Sundance Institute, from his first steps as an actor on television to his directing through “others”. Robert Redford Provided access to his documents and diaries.
With Jean Hockman on the 1969 album “The Infernal Descent”.
© Robert Redford / Wildwood Enterprises / The Trail
Although we feel the artist’s admiration for the man as much as the writer Michael Feeney Callen’s man, this is not a simple hockeyography, but a real immersion in American culture in American culture since the 1960s and beyond. Today.
In Malibu with Pollock and Barbara Streisand during the filming of “Our Most Beautiful Years” in 1973.
© Sydney Pollack / Robert Redford – The Trail
The author, who has already signed on to the definitive autobiography of Sean Connery, describes in great detail all aspects of the life of Robert Redford.
Controversial hair-washing scene in the film “Out of Africa” starring Meryl Streep.
© Universal Pictures, courtesy Sidney Pollack.
Sure, the book is full of events that will make moviegoers fall in love with “Jeremiah Johnson” and “Out of Africa,” but Robert Redford’s Builder feature is just as astonishing to read. Because, for us, French cinema is, if the concept of autocratic cinema is obvious, the one who laid the foundation for the alternative to Hollywood is an individual, an actor, a director and a successful producer.
Golf session in Georgia, with Matt Damon and Will Smith, “The Legend of Baker Vance”, 2000.
© Robert Redford / Wildwood Enterprises / The Trail
This man is Robert Redford, much softer than he was young at the beginning of his career. The director of “The Quiz Show” is the right man for everything, investing in politics with the Democrats and firmly believing for years that we must fight global warming.
With Brad Pitt in Tony Scott’s Spy Game, 2001.
© Universal Pictures, courtesy Robert Redford – The Trace.
The skeptic, however, is constantly self-analyzing and always looking for new avenues for cinema. An extraordinary man, lost him today Death of his son James . If you already like the actor, you will get closer to the star. And appreciate his journey and his commitment.
Robert Redford by Michael Feeney Callen
Versions La Trace
765 pages
Recommended price of 22 euros.
“Pop culture practitioner. Award-winning tv junkie. Creator. Devoted food geek. Twitter lover. Beer enthusiast.”