The story of Jeffrey Dahmer (2022) – review and opinion about the series [Netflix].  cold blooded

The Netflix catalog is rich with a number of realistic crime-style productions that are especially popular with subscribers. What can I say, the creators collaborating with the SVOD platform are very prolific in dealing with the stories of serial killers and psychopaths, and viewers often turn to these horror stories. Documentaries are followed by featured productions – after “Mindhunter” or “The Snake”, Ryan Murphy makes his contribution to the catalog of exciting series available on SVOD. Because “Dahmer – The Beast: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story” is a stand that deserves attention, albeit not without its flaws. Feel free to review.

In July 1991, Jeff Dahmer invited a young man to his apartment on the pretext of taking some pictures for money. The attacker acts according to an acceptable and ideal mode of action: he suggests alcohol, on which sleeping pills have already been poured, and then kills and rapes the victim. However, luck wants Tracy Edwards not to like the chosen drink and decides to leave as soon as possible a suspicious man he met in one of the gay clubs. Despite the struggle and handcuffs, the African American turned out to be stronger, thanks to which he was able to escape and notify the police. When two officers arrive at the apartment and discover the horrific photographs, body parts, and murder weapons, it becomes clear that Dahmer has no chance. This is how the new Netflix series about another serial killer begins, which lasts 10 episodes.

Dahmer – The Beast: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story (2022) – Series Review [Netflix]. Milwaukee cannibal

Dahmer - The Beast The Jeffrey Dahmer Story - Review - In Court

Jeff Dahmer’s personality and the fact that he managed to kill dozens of victims according to the plan adopted over the years, at least cause a cold shiver that goes down my spine. Much has already been said and portrayed about psychopaths, cannibals, massacres and rapists, choosing mostly ethnic minority youth as the main target – and not just as part of a fictional production – so I was a little surprised by the decision to take up the topic again and, somehow, post another for his character. However, Netflix was on the project, so who would not freelance Ryan Murphy, the most accurate and calculated crime-scene master who stole my heart years ago with “American Horror Story”, be able to sponsor a miniseries? Exactly it is.

As announced, the creators promised not to focus on the criminal, but on his victims and systematic neglect, which, in a way, allowed Dahmer to continue his horrific practices. From the first episode of the reviewed series, we know what the ending will be and when exactly the hero falls into the police trap, however, no one said that we can not follow the almost identical crimes and bloody deeds that Jeff repeatedly committed over and over again. These non-chronological objects are intertwined with memories of childhood and adolescence, which clearly shows that his life was in fact horrific – a constant arguing at home, a mentally disturbed mother, and a father, guided by good intentions, was searching for even the most disgusting hobby for his son, And the weird patch made the boy stand out from the rest and couldn’t adapt. Environmental factors only exacerbated his psychopathy and propensity for necrophilia. Interestingly, Brennan and Murphy’s work together does not attempt to explain or justify his ‘acquittal’ -Although I felt some sympathy for Jeffrey during the 10-episode show, the way he was presented and acting Peters and constantly repeated words about no regrets and meeting ordinary needs stirred emotions.

“Dahmer – the Beast: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story” appears to be a story in which the sick regime and its representatives, responsible for the safety of citizens, played a major role. The number of victims was severely affected by the slowness of the police and their racism – Despite the numerous signals from neighbors, the increasing number of disappearances of young people of non-white race and the mysterious past of the suspect man, no one made an effort to resolve the matter faster. Moreover, even if the killer was close to an unfortunate accident, he could save himself. It seems to me that his skin tone was not insignificant in this case. The creators emphasize this problem, allow several people connected with 17 crimes to have their say, develop threads focused on the further fate of Dahmer’s families and neighbors, and sometimes fall for a lot of bravado. However, we should not be under the illusion that this is an important part of production that cannot be missing.

Dahmer – The Beast: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story (2022) – Series Review [Netflix]. Awesome Peters

Dahmer - Geoffrey Dahmer's Beast Story - Review - STOP

It is not surprising that Murphy re-collaborated with Evan Peters – the director and screenwriter systematically working with the actors with whom he created “American Horror Story”, as we see, for example, in “Ratched”. While it can be assumed that the American gained the role of “little acquaintance”, this choice turned out to be a weakness. Moreover, I will say it with confidence Hardly any serial actor does enough work to convey the nature of such a disfigured, mentally damaged, and cruel man who has felt the need to kill almost his entire life. In one of the interviews before the premiere of the reviewed movie Dahmer, Peters honestly admitted that it was one of the most difficult roles in his life. Willing to honestly reflect the psychopath’s motives and way of being, he tried to plunge into as many crimes as possible – and this tremendous effort paid off. Peters’ blank look, a complex posture that hides suspicious intentions at first glance, as well as a specific tone and manner of speaking complete this disturbing creation. The young actor did an excellent job, although his screen partners performed well. I don’t know if it was because I was a mother myself or the way Richard Jenkins tried to recreate the sense of parental defeat and pain in his son’s life, Lionel Dahmer’s character and his years of struggle deeply affected him.

“Dahmer – The Beast: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story” reviewed is a shocking storyWhere Murphy tries, as was the case with American Crime Story: The Assassination of Versace, to hold viewers in their hands, paying as much attention to the case study of the killer and the individual biographies of his victims. These cold-blooded young people are the most important – we must never forget that psychics were deprived of their lives and left their families. At the same time, I have an impression The script could have been developed more intensivelyWhich won’t pull too many threads, won’t slowly introduce dammer activities, and thus will feature a stronger message. Follow the approved concept Dahmer – The Beast: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story He didn’t tell us much more than previous productions.

It’s a pity that Netflix likes to exaggerate the number of episodes, and Murphy portrays everything so vividly – because the miniseries’ vibe was really promising, and the cast and cameramen did a pretty good job (especially in the gory scenes that evoke strong emotions). If you like productions about killers, you should not give up the September novelty of the giant SVOD – to cheer you up, let me say that the atmosphere in the first half of the story reminded me a lot of the series “Mindhunter”. There are some drawbacks, but it’s worth a try.

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