The third dose.  We do not vaccinate

At the beginning of October The European Medicines Agency has issued a long-awaited decision on the third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. This is not a strict recommendation, but the EMA stresses that the booster dose is important in the prevention and control of the coronavirus pandemic. In fact, this decision was only a formality, because appropriate programs have already been implemented in many countries. Based on the Israeli and American experience, we found that the preventive role of vaccination weakens over time and that it needs to be repeated, especially in Issue People at particular risk of severe COVID-19 infection.

Solutions in individual Member States differ in details, for example in terms of age of people who are entitled to receive a booster dose. In Poland, the program initially covered nearly 220,000 people with immunodeficiency due to, for example, cancer (List of eligible persons).

Beginning September 24, healthcare professionals and all people 50 and older are also entitled to the second dose (or the single dose when vaccinated) to receive the third dose. J&J Preparation) At least six months have passed.

Points are empty

Only on the day of expanding the list of eligible persons, according to the Ministry of Health spokesperson, Wojciech Androsevich, more than 730 thousand electronic referrals were issued. Every day the number of dues is increasing, because more people have 6 months from the second dose. Including people with comorbidities and those who meet the criteria, but are not automatically referred, more than 2 million Poles qualify. If there is no referral and the requirements are met, it is possible to create it at this point I swear or by another physician (may be Primary care physician).

If someone expected to raid the vaccination points, they would surely be disappointed. Although many are already closed, others do not work daily, working hours have been shortened, for those who work without problems, you can make an appointment overnight, sometimes even in a few hours. be vaccinationsGood conditions, staff, no patients only.

About 250 people signed up for the Vaxmed point on Sosnkowskiego Street (see photos in our gallery at the top of the article) in Ursus, Warsaw, every week about 250 people, or maybe even a hundred thousand. Where can I get them, since nationwide I collect the first, second and third doses, and recently twelve to forty thousand people are vaccinated daily?

At the other end of the capital, in the Biachoka district of Warsaw, many points were closed. There was, inter alia, the point in the Mujahideen. Modlińska. Sometimes patients have to wait several tens of minutes for a vaccination there. Because of the queues? exactly the contrary. It is difficult to get six people, the number that can be vaccinated after opening one package, without wasting doses.

Warsaw is the leading Polish manufacturer of vaccinations. Yes, it is worse elsewhere.

“Kreese on top”

The Poles vaccination is one of the worst in the European Union and no one has any illusions that it will get better. The judges admitted this after crossing the magic threshold of 50 percent. From the population everything stops. Agreeing to give the third dose appears to breathe some life into the vaccination sites. After all, it is about masked vaccines, not resistance: the medics, the people from the high-risk group, who have benefited primarily from the benefits of vaccination and probably owe their lives to them. And after…

At the beginning of the immunization programme, we accompanied several people who had been successfully vaccinated. Today we asked those who deserve a booster vaccination for a third dose. Physically none of these people, except Mr. Jean is eighty years oldShe has not taken any vaccine yet, although they are planning a vaccine. They are not worried about uptime and the fourth wave.

Mrs. Magda works in an ophthalmology clinic She is paused because she would like to take a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine along with the flu shot, and that vaccine is still not available. He thinks he doesn’t have to hurry. Its chief, a doctor, is awaiting settlement of the issuance of the vaccine certificate. Currently, the third dose does not extend its shelf life, which is important for him, because he often travels abroad. Expect changes at any minute since there is an EMA recommendation for the third dose. Then it is vaccinated.

Ms. Jdwiga is currently 82 years old He promised to vaccinate immediately upon receiving a cardiology consultation, which he had been waiting for for several months. What does a cardiologist have to do with anything? Ms. Jdwija ​​is afraid she will feel worse after the vaccination (this is what she experienced after the second dose of the vaccine) and will miss the visit. Not afraid of corona virus anymore? Yes, but she firmly believes that this does not threaten her so much, because she has two potions behind it.

– A pharmacist from a friendly pharmacy does not vaccinate either, because he says that the third dose is cake cream, just in case you are not in a hurry. She definitely knows that better than me, and there must be something. After all, almost no one has been vaccinated in hospitals, Jadwiga concludes.

The pollinator seldom dies, but this can change

Vaccination with the third dose is a must. It is difficult to understand why this novel did not reach us. We are intrigued by the good news that among the people in the hospital there are few who have been vaccinated with two doses (in Poland about 1 percent). However, we missed learning that over time, the risk of full-blown, life-threatening infection increases, and people who qualify for the third dose are at increased risk.

1. Five months of trust.

There is no longer any doubt that vaccines against COVID-19 are currently the best form of protection against severe illness, disease, and death. However, based on observation of the course of the epidemic in vaccination leaders (Israel, Great Britain), we know that optimal protection after two doses in the vast majority of vaccinated people lasts about 5-6 months. After that, the level of the antibodies steadily decreases, and thus the risk of infection, hospitalization, and finally death increases again. After what time and how dangerous is this to happen soon? We don’t know for sure yet. Do you want to check it out for yourself? One thing is for sure – as MZ reports, there are already more deaths among people vaccinated with two doses. These are mainly older patients with multiple diseases, that is, those who were vaccinated first. Protection stops working.

2. The higher the number of antibodies the better.

We are not entirely sure how many antibodies are sufficient for a given person, because the immune response is an individual and complex matter. So it makes no sense to test their levels before deciding to vaccinate, although there is sometimes such ‘good advice’, especially from those who give vaccinations. Meanwhile, they don’t really contribute anything. After the third dose of antibodies, it will increase and this will definitely increase the protection. Is your enough (if you still have it) six months after the second vaccination? Nobody knows that.

3. Vaccines are not just “refreshing” immunity – they are an immune booster.

– The third dose was highly effective in preventing delta disease in those who were vaccinated. David O’Connor, a professor at the University of Wisconsin wrote in the Guardian that it significantly reduced a person’s susceptibility to infection by creating a barrier to further transmission and spread of the virus.

Data from the Israeli Ministry of Health and published in the New England Journal of Medicine proves that the world is right. It found that two weeks after more than 1.1 million people over the age of 60 received the third dose, the risk of infection delta variableIt was 11.3 times smaller than the group of people who got just two doses.

In general, the third dose is intended to stop or at least slow the progression of the epidemic. The virus that constantly mutates successfully targets young people and young adults too childrenIt cannot be vaccinated. The less the injury, the fewer the severe injuries and ultimately the casualties.

a. O’Connor remembers that the biology of immunity SARS-CoV-2 is the same whether you live in Tel Aviv, Tokyo, Toronto or Warsaw. Israel’s pioneering experience is a model for the rest of the world.

Is there a risk that you will need fourth, fifth and more doses? Yes really. Vaccinations should protect us from further lockdowns, save many people, save us time to find effective medicines, and protect us from healthcare paralysis. There is a possibility that the third dose will protect us for a longer time, but there is no certainty. Does he deserve to die for this now?

Are you angry that the epidemic “only cures Covid”? The main role is played by those who are not vaccinated. Even if you pass the infection mildly and stay in the hospital, you may pass the infection on to someone less fortunate. The system has no way out. When you have to choose: Save the life of this man with respiratory failure or have an MRI or elective meniscus surgery, that will save lives.

All indications are that you will not have to be vaccinated with any dose, because it is your choice. However, be aware that you may send someone to the hospital or even indirectly kill someone. Maybe just because you don’t want to hurt your shoulder.

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