The world’s first glass factory with quantum plating was established in Poland

ML . system Designed and prepared a special laminated glass called sleeve glassWhich is complemented by a nanolayer with a quantum dot. In case Saule . technologyHeaded by Olga Malenkevich, it was Oh perovskite cellsMeanwhile, the ML system creates transparent glass with a quantum layer that produces clean energy. quantum dots They are a thousand times smaller than red blood cells, so paint with them can be used to cover windows in homes or cars without losing access to sunlight.

Dawid Cycoń, President of ML System, announced that his company will be able to produce up to 5,000 square meters of quantitative coatings per month. Technique Quantum glass is very profitable and effective. If we take into account the price difference for the packaging of low-E coated glass used in modern buildings, the payback time of quantitative coating glass is up to five years.

Interestingly, quantum dots convert ultraviolet and infrared light into electricity. They can also do this in the case of reflected and artificial light. In this regard, they are very similar to perovskite cells, but are much cheaper and more practical to use.

“Quantum dots absorb more and to a greater extent than the most common semiconductor in photovoltaics, that is, silicon. Moreover, they do not lose their efficiency over time and are Weather resistant. And most of all, it can be completely transparent. Quantum dots are more stable, which means that they do not decay, and they can be completely transparent or have a constant color, which is impossible in the case of perovskite, and they should not contain harmful elements ”- we can read in the ML website of the system.

Ultimately, ML System wants to increase production capacity to approx. 200 thousand square meters per year on three production lines for projects sleeve glass2DGlass active glass.

ML System informs that the world’s first glass production line will be officially opened December 16 at the G2A Arena in Jasionka near Rzeszów. This event will be linked to the company’s fifteenth anniversary.

Marking the topic of quantum dots and Bioskite cells Notably, ML System was the world’s first patented quantum dot coating system already in 2018 and since then this technology has become very popular. Its representatives have already established a collaboration with the group Pilkington. As a result, car windows with quantum paint will appear on sale.

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