Their love for cinema is passed on from generation to generation.  The most famous movie families

Skarsgard clan – everyone knows these handsome men

The Skarsgård family has more than one strong bond. First of all, they are distinguished by their love of cinema. Stellan, the head of the family, is 71 years old, has many roles (he played in the films “Breaking the Waves”, “Dancing in the Dark”, “Dogville”) and is the father of eight children. Alexander, 46, Gustav 41, Bell 32, and Walter 27, followed them. Their careers are doing so well, they have performed the biggest hits. However, the popularity sometimes trumps them. Big Brother at one point took a break from playing.

I was desperate. I wanted to live a normal life – he said in one of the interviews.

However, after seven years, he returned to the delight of fans. His father even joked once that Alexander is attracted not only to teenagers, but also to middle-aged ladies. This year, the film with his participation premiered. In the production of “Wiking” he played the role of the young prince Amelet.

The Skarsgård familyThe Skarsgård family IBL / REX / Shutterstock / IBL / REX / Shutterstock / EAST NEWS

The Douglas Family – The son continues his father’s work

Michael Douglas is the son of movie legend Kirk Douglas and an actress Diana Douglas, talent is in his genes. He started his career in 1962 as an assistant director in the movie “The Last Cowboy” where he played his father. It is interesting that at first he did not want Michael to follow in his footsteps. However, at some point, he changed his mind and soon had reasons to be proud of his offspring. He said out loud that his son is his favorite actor. They had a special link. So Kirk Douglas’ death in 2020 was a blow.

Kirk lived his life well, leaving us his cinematic legacy that will last for generations to come. Let me conclude with the words I said to him on his last birthday that will always be true. Dad – I love you so much and I’m proud to be your son – wrote on Instagram.

To date, Michael Douglas is one of the most famous actors in Hollywood, and he received an Oscar for his role in Wall Street (1987). His beautiful wife, Catherine Zeta-Jones, has two children. Cary’s daughter did not know for a long time that her father was a star. I thought it was…a pie maker.

The actors also have a son, Dylan. It is not yet known whether they will connect their future with cinema.

Of course, there are more representatives abroad. It is worth noting, for example, the families of Jolie, Roberts and Baldwin. However, in Poland there are also stars whose children follow in the footsteps of their parents. See who’s around.

Damięcki – Traditions for generations

The history of this family dates back to the nineteenth century. Then Dobiesław . was born damaskWho at first did not think about an acting career. While studying, he joined the theater group “Redota”, which was a turning point in his life. He began performing on stage all over Poland. Although he has a wife, he has an affair with a friend from the industry, Irina Gorska, with whom they have two sons. The younger Maciej followed in their footsteps.

Maciej Damięcki with his wifeMaciej Damięcki with his wife Paul Wodzynski / Paul Wodzynski / East News

talent He also inherited his sons: Matthews and Matilda. The former needs no introduction, he is one of the most famous actors. His colossal performance in the last “Furioza” delighted viewers. His sister, who performed, among other things, in the series “Na Wspólnej” gave up acting. He is currently creating graphics with which he summarizes what is happening in Poland and in the world.

Matilda and Matthews DameckiMatilda and Matthews Damecki VIPHOTO / VIPHOTO / East News

Maciej Damięcki’s nephew, Grzegorz, also worked. The actor mainly chooses roles in films, this year the drama “Fucking Bornholm” was released, where he played David Nowak. We probably won’t see him in multi-episode productions. why?

And being aware of my own impulse, I know that some tasks are not for me. I do not apply for roles in soap operas, because I will not have the perseverance to play the same character for many years – he admitted in an interview with “Twój Styl”.

Gregors DamekskiGregors Damekski Paul Wodzynski / Paul Wodzynski / East News

Królikowscy – an image destroyed by family scandals

Paweł Królikowski and Małgorzata Ostrowska-Królikowski had five children. The two of them followed in their parents’ footsteps. Antique needs no introduction, Julia plays with her mother in “clanJan, the composer, got engaged to actress Joanna Jarmołowicz. Pawe Królikowski has fully achieved himself as a father, but he knew he was trying a little too hard sometimes.

I have an overprotective desire to want everything related to children under my control. Fortunately, my wife is much smarter than me in this regard. He says that the children should have this moment when they come out of the gate, and you remain in the house with the light, like a beacon, so that they know where to go back – said Krulikowski in “Viva!” in 2014.

Małgorzata Ostrowska-KrólikowskaMałgorzata Ostrowska-Królikowska ig.antekkrolikowski

Małgorzata Ostrowska-Królikowska and Pawe KrólikowskiMałgorzata Ostrowska-Królikowska and Pawe Królikowski

Małgorzata Ostrowska-KrólikowskaMałgorzata Ostrowska-Królikowska Instagram

Paweł Królikowski’s death changed a lot. The actor died two years ago. Viewers still love him for Kuse’s role in “Farm“This is why many cannot accept how the Krulikow family lost their family in the eyes of fans after the Antik Krulikowski scandals. He betrayed Joanna Obozda’s wife when she was still pregnant. Majorzata Ostrowska Krolicowska also joined the cause and stood behind her son. If you want to read more about her. , please visit

Antik KrulikowskiAntik Krulikowski KAPiF

We can also see Rafał Królikowski, brother of Pawe Królikowski on the screens. However, he stays away from family scandals and focuses on games. In 2021, he was there, among other things, in the movie “Must Be Love”.

Stuhrs – enemies of the opposition

The picture crisis hit the Stoer family, too. The elder of the family recently caused an accident while under the influence of alcohol. Fortunately, nothing happened to anyone, but Jersey Store will face the consequences. They certainly recognized his son Maciej, who was criticized and hated for what his father had done. Both of them have not only a great filmography, but also a great political role. Even Jaroslav Kaczynski referred to the incident during one of his last appearances in Przymyel.

You have to be strong, you have to get rid of the inferiority complex advocated by opponents, so-called celebrities. Ten (Jersey) Store. The fact that he drank there and was going…no. But the fact that he says that he is ashamed to speak Polish, because it is a disgrace in the West. This is a scandal. If his “crimes” will be limited to 0.7 per thousand, it will be … – said Kaczyński.

Jersey Store and Message StoreJersey Store and Message Store Instagram / maciej_stuhr

Who else is worth mentioning? Zofia Zborowska followed in the footsteps of her parents: Wiktor Zborowski and Maria Winiarska, Maciej Musiał is also an actor, like his father Andrzej Musiał. Stanislav Panasyuk supports his son Matthews, who is making his career and is related to actress Magdalena Pokzarska. Productions with their participation are very popular and liked by viewers.

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