There were no stars or galaxies.  Gravity itself lit up the universe

Since 2015, gravitational waves passing through the Earth have allowed scientists to discover amazing events in space that we would not otherwise be able to see. Among them are the collision of black holes, the collision of a black hole with a neutron star, and finally the collision of two neutron stars. The sensitivity of the detectors is currently high enough that we can extract information from the gravitational wave itself about the mass of the colliding objects, about the object formed as a result of the collision, and finally how much mass was converted into pure energy from the gravitational waves that just reached us.

Read also: written in gravity. Gravitational waves help astronomers explore the universe

It is worth noting here that gravitational waves that pass through the earth are very weak. In order to detect them, the detector must be able to detect a change in distance smaller than the diameter of the atomic nucleus. This is the amount of space compressed during the passage of a gravitational wave.

When the universe was much smaller and much smaller

We live in a universe that is nearly fourteen billion years old. Given that the universe has been constantly expanding since its inception, and that the expansion itself is only accelerating, it must be admitted that the universe we live in today is not much like the one that existed immediately after the Big Bang.

Also read: Space Pac-Man: black holes devour neutron stars for the first time

In the first moment after the creation of the universe, long before it reached the age of one second, there was a so-called. economic inflation. The tiny universe, where every nook and cranny was associated with every cause-and-effect relationship, grew in size very quickly. In that relatively young and small universe, gravitational waves filled nearly all of space-time and were much more powerful than they are today. As with waves, some waves were reinforcing each other, while others were canceling.

in Latest scientific article Scientists argue that sometimes standing waves can form, that is, waves in which the tops and bottoms do not move. Such waves arise when two identical waves, but moving in opposite directions in space, overlap.

Can gravity cause light?

Scientists believe that a lot of gravitational energy must have accumulated on the crests of such standing waves. This energy can, in turn, excite the electromagnetic field that exists in the universe so much that it can emit electromagnetic radiation. If this is indeed the case, then it can be argued that gravity itself, in the early moments of the life of the universe, could have been responsible for the emission of light. The sad news is that today’s universe is nothing like the early universe, and there is currently no chance of a similar phenomenon being observed today. On the other hand, who knows if what we consider normal today will not be fantastic and unattainable for some civilization that will live in the next 10-20 billion years. So maybe we should enjoy what we have.

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