“There will be very few of them.”  An expert with an amazing vision of working in the age of artificial intelligence

“Didaskalia” is a series of audio videos from Wirtualna Polska in which Patrycjusz Wyżga talks with his guests about the most important political, economic, social and scientific topics. The first episode premiered on March 11, 2023. To date, dozens of interviews have been published in the series. The channel “Didaskalia” on YouTube has collected more than 250 thousand views. Participants.

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See also: It is dangerous to delegate all tasks to artificial intelligence: Prof. Aleksandra Przegalinska – Stage Directions No. 20

Professor Aleksandra Przegalinska: We are a bit lost on this

In one of the episodes, Professor. Aleksandra Przegalinska, Vice-Rector of Kominsky University, pointed out the threats, challenges and benefits related to the development of artificial intelligence.

The expert stated, among other things, that “giving artificial intelligence some tasks completely could be dangerous.”

In light of the challenges, Professor said. Przegalinska stressed that people are already starting to get lost in AI management. – I have the impression that we have already created a small brain. Artificial intelligence is a form of intelligence. There is calculation, reasoning, and there are elements of what is our intelligence. We're a bit lost in this already – says the expert.

New episodes of Didaskalia are published every Sunday at 19:00. As part of the series, a mini-series entitled “Grey Didaskalia” was created that deals with national politics.

As the authors describe themselves, “The Didascalia is a side text that allows the reader to better understand the situational context of a particular event.” Patrycjusz Wyżga, in his conversations with his guests, discovers subsequent layers of complex problems, striving for a broader vision that allows a better understanding of the changes and processes occurring in the world.

All episodes can be found here.

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