They found it in Siberia.  Scientists believe it was a dog.  The truth is different – O2

“Dogor” is preserved in the permafrost of Siberia. His remains, found in 2018, date back to 18,000. years. Scientists have given it an unusual name because it resembles a dog and a wolf (“dog or wolf”). Animal remains are in excellent condition. Even thin hair and incessant mustache survived.

Until now, this mysterious pup was thought to be a dog. It is supposed to come from the time when humans tamed the first animals. In a new study designed to understand dog domestication, scientists analyzed the genomes of a Dujour with 72 ancient wolves. What are the effects?

It turns out that the stuffed animal is a wolf. Moreover, it was not closely related to the first dogs. An expert in paleo animal genetics admits that while we know that dogs were the first animals to be domesticated as early as the Ice Age, the rest of the animals remain a huge prehistoric mystery.

We don’t know where in the world this happened. We don’t know which group of people are involved, and we don’t know if it happened once, or if it happened multiple times, Anders Bergstrom, a postdoctoral researcher in paleogenomics at the Francis Crick Institute in London, told Live Science. .

The mysterious animal of Siberia is a wolf

While researching, scientists looked for clues about where domesticated dogs (Latin. Familiar lupus canis). There are many indications that dogs were domesticated by wolves (from the Latin. the gray wolf). Unfortunately, the genes of modern wolves have changed a lot to find out which wolves have given up their wild life to connect with humans.

Domestication probably occurred somewhere in the East, in Asia, and not in Europe. Asia is obviously too big, and we can’t narrow down more precisely where it happened, Bergstrom explains.

Northeast Siberia, where the ‘Dogor’ was found, does not appear to be ground zero for the genetic transmission of wolves and dogs. According to Bergstrom, wolves in this region are not closely related to the oldest dogs. But there are many other regions in Asia where ancient wolf DNA has yet to be collected and studied. That is why wolf dogs may come from a place that has never been seen before.

See also: Rhinoceros from the Ice Age. Exciting discovery by scientists

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