They glow on both sides of the sun simultaneously.  An amazing phenomenon has occurred, and we are already feeling its consequences

These are solar flares that occurred simultaneously from two different sides of our star. We didn't have to wait long to find out the consequences, because after some time there was a local power outage on Earth. The Sun has once again shown its unpredictability, and unfortunately, the problems may not end there, as the peak of our star's activity is likely still ahead.

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The most recent flares occurred in different hemispheres of the star around which our planet orbits. Such simultaneous phenomena have been studied for years, although it appears that their occurrence at the same time was not the result of any specific mechanism, but rather a coincidence. Only a 2002 study showed that the situation was completely different. Scientists then proposed that sunspots were connected to each other by invisible magnetic field rings orbiting the Sun.

Under such conditions, we can conclude that the simultaneous flares coming from two different regions of our star are actually the effects of the same explosion. Interestingly, the difference in the start time of the glow can be up to half an hour. This is of course an upper limit – in the case of recent events, the time interval is likely to be several minutes. According to the associated researchers Solar Dynamics Observatory Even the time interval is calculated in seconds and not minutes. The latest events were associated with two sunspots: AR3559 and AR3561, which were approximately 500,000 kilometers apart on January 22.

The January 22 flares were associated with two sunspots. The two objects known as AR3559 and AR3561 were then separated by up to 500,000 km.

Although synchronous solar flares are very rare, their frequency may increase during solar peak. It happens that this maximum is approaching. During this time, the Sun's magnetic field begins to break down and become more tangled. Recent months confirm this, as astronomers observing our star have drawn attention to the increase in the number and size of sunspots and the occurrence of more frequent and stronger flares.

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It is not clear when the next solar maximum will occur, because the framework for such phenomena is quite fluid. While this was initially assumed to occur around 2025 or even 2026, it currently cannot be ruled out that the peak will occur in the coming months. This could be good news, because our star has been playing a lot of tricks on us lately, so the sooner we pass the peak, the earlier the risk of unpleasant consequences of the Sun's activity will begin to decline.

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