They saw something unheard of in space.  “The event is unprecedented”

Why is this important?

This event is unprecedented. The sudden brightening of the galaxy can be caused by various phenomena. However, such flares only last a few tens or a few hundred days at most. The galaxy in question shines brighter to this day – for more than four years since the beginning of the observed changes. Furthermore, the flares are unlike anything observed before.

Scientists noticed that the galaxy emits a much greater amount of ultraviolet, visible and infrared radiation, and since February of this year it has also been emitting X-rays.

What did the expert say?

– Imagine that you observed a distant galaxy for years and it always seemed quiet and inactive – says Professor Hans. Paola Sanchez Saez of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) in Chile. – Suddenly, at its center, there are dramatic changes in brightness unlike anything we’ve seen before.

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