This is how much the fourteen will spend this year. We have new accounts.

The government has decided that the 14th pension will be paid this year together with the September pension. About a million senior citizens who receive their pensions on the 1st of the month will receive a transfer or an additional transfer of PLN 14 at the end of August (September 1 is a Sunday). People whose payment date is set for the 5th, 6th, 10th, 15th, 20th or 25th of the month will receive their pension plus the 14th pension in September. In October, people who have pre-retirement benefits or allowances will receive their allowance.

How much exactly will 14 be? A year ago it was 2 thousand. Total 650 PLN. This year the group of fourteen will be smaller. However, the government assures that it was calculated according to the regulations and will amount to the minimum pension – that is, 1000 PLN. 780 PLN and 96 grozy. This amount will be given to people whose allowance does not exceed 2000 PLN. Total 900 PLN.

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