This is how salaries will change from July 1st.  July salaries will be higher – here are the net accounts [23.06.2022]

Some taxpayers will earn up to 4,500 PLN annually thanks to the reduction of the tax income tax to 12%. The tax changes will take effect on July 1, 2022. Polish governance reform will be more beneficial to about 25 million taxpayers. Watch how salaries will change as of July 1, 2022. This is how salaries will be in July!

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In the second half of March, the Ministry of Finance submitted proposals for tax changes that will take effect on July 1, 2022. As the government announced, Polish governance reform will be more beneficial to 25 million taxpayers. Economists predict that the tax changes will be beneficial to the majority of Poles, which is a good step towards getting the Polish system in order.

The proposed changes are in response to signals from taxpayers, including business people and experts. We want to ensure more predictability in tax settlements and reduce taxes again – said Deputy Finance Minister Artur Suboy.

Reducing the profit before investment from 17 to 12 percent. You know? Tax cuts of about 30 percent. However, the new tax system must be neutral or beneficial to Poles Up to 25 million taxpayers are expected to benefit from the tax changes. The new tax system is aimed at bringing profits not only to employees, but also to pensioners.

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