Tourists from Egypt did not return to Poland. They are waiting for the plane.

Mr. Arthur bought a flight to Marsa Alam. A plane full of tourists from two travel agencies left for Poland on June 22.

– We were supposed to return on June 29. The plane was supposed to leave Egypt before midnight, and we were supposed to be at Chopin airport in the morning. It turned out that the departure would be at 2.00. We left the hotels at 11 pm – Mr. Artur reports. – Our entire group was transferred, the entire plane. It turned out that there was no flight. Only at about 3.00 did we receive information that we do not know why we did not fly. We camped with our luggage, the children slept in their clothes and in open suitcases. That’s how we spent our time until… 5.30 – Mr. Artur tells the “truth”.

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