Turn left on Armia Krajowa did not work due to misleading signs?

Too late signs and misleading signs – according to our reader, these are two reasons why people are switching from a new left turn to a new left turn Army Krawig in Al. Havela map Fewer drivers use it than they could. We have handed over the matter to the Gdańsk road workers.

Extra left turn from Armia Krajowa to al. Havel was created less than two weeks ago. Its aim was to improve traffic flow at the intersection and reduce the traffic congestion that occurs every afternoon from the Chełm exit towards the bypass. The solution is presented on a trial basis, and the tests are intended to answer whether the idea will be implemented permanently.

But the first days showed that there was a problem with that. The additional left turn did not improve the situation of drivers in any way, and traffic jams were long and annoying and still persist.

The second left turn at Armia Krajowa did not change anything
The second left turn at Armia Krajowa did not change anything

One reader, who uses this road every day, suspects that the new and old intersection signs may be to blame.

– New signs have been installed to let drivers know they can use two lanes there, not one, too late. Drivers should be informed of this ahead of time, and not at the intersection itself – the reader notes. – Secondly, the old signs hanging on the bridge are misleading for drivers, because they still indicate that you can only turn left from the left lane. It is difficult to understand how road workers could miss this.
Another reader pointed out a similar problem in the Tricity report.

  • First, the signs on the bridge make it clear that you can only turn left from the left lane.
  • Drivers realize that it is different at the intersection.  According to our readers, signage should be improved.

Signs indicating double left turns should be posted early
(12 opinions)

Few people know that from Armia Krajowa you can turn into Havela using the two left turns. These signs should have been made earlier! In addition, the signs on the gate at the top of the road are misleading because they indicate that you can only go left from one left turn.

Few people know that from Armia Krajowa you can turn into Havela using the two left turns. These signs should have been made earlier! In addition, the signs on the gate at the top of the road are misleading because they indicate that you can only go left from one left turn.

We have sent readers’ suggestions to the Authority for Roads and Green Areas in Gdańsk with a request to analyze them. We hope that small improvements at the intersection will yield the desired results and that traffic jams there will reduce soon.

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