Russian General Vladimir Zavadsky died during the war in Ukraine after stepping on a mine, the independent Russian portal Vazhny Story reported on Telegram. As the media confirms, he was “the seventh soldier of this rank” to die during the invasion.
The portal reported on Wednesday about Zawadski’s death I remembered that “He is the seventh military officer of this rank whose death has been confirmed in the Russian Federation“.
The general was scheduled to die on TuesdayWhich was first reported on the social networking site VKontakte by the Moscow Military Command School Alumni Organization.
A Russian general stepped on a mine
The media reported this Zawadski’s death resulted from hitting a mine in the rear of the front.
The major general was deputy commander of the 14th Corps of the Russian Army.
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According to “Ukrainska Pravda”.He added: “The Russian side had to accept the version that Zawadsky died as a result of artillery fire.
He was injured last year
In 2022, Zawadski took over the leadership of the “Taman” band. He was allegedly wounded and fled from Izyum in the Kharkiv region during the Ukrainian counteroffensive. The city was liberated on September 10.
During the invasion of Ukraine The 45-year-old was awarded the “Courage” medal.
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He is the highest-ranking Russian army officer killed in the war in Ukraine Deputy Commander of the Southern Military District, General Oleg TsukovWho died in Berdyansk in the summer.
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