Ukraine – Live coverage [2 lipca 2022]

in the area SlavianskAnd in the Donetsk region, the opponent performs defensive actions. break into Pohorodik, but without success – the General Staff of Ukraine reported on Facebook. Russian forces are trying to improve logistical security in this region.

The invading forces continue artillery fire – incl. under Kharkov And along the line of contact in the Donbass and on the southern part of the front. And they launched air attacks in the Kharkiv and Donetsk regions.

on me Belarus The “mobilization exercises” at the border with Ukraine have been extended until July 9, the crew reported. As part of the maneuvers, replenishment orders in the Gomel region send summons to the army. Doctors have been told not to leave the country.

The staff also provided reports on the difficulties facing the occupying authorities, including. in Kherson regiondue to the resistance of the local population. The morning statement confirmed that “authority officials are traveling around a large number of security guards in armored cars, wearing bulletproof vests.”

blockage in progress black sea. The enemy keeps two units with precision missile weapons at the ready.

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