Ukrainian President Zelensky: This week will be important

– In general, this week will be important for Ukraine from a political point of view. We are entering another year and we must maintain a common understanding of our national goals. Of course, this is the liberation of our land from the enemy, as well as the reconstruction of Ukraine, the return of our people to the Fatherland, the rapprochement of our state with the main partners, the opening up of new opportunities for Ukraine in the world. These are tasks for the foreseeable future. Not only for the country, but also for each and every one of us,” President Volodymyr Zelensky said in a speech posted on Tuesday, December 27, on social media.

The Ukrainian leader announced that he will soon present his opinion on the implementation of individual tasks of state authorities for 2023 in his annual address to the Verkhovna Rada. As he noted, in this special speech to the deputies of Ukraine he will talk about the country’s external and internal situation.

“I want this letter not to be a report, but our conversation with you about next year,” said President Zelensky.

Nine million people without electricity

On Tuesday morning, Volodymyr Zelensky announced this Almost nine million Ukrainians are without electricity. The President of Ukraine also referred to the situation on the front, in particular in Bakhmut, Krymina and other regions of Donbass. As he emphasized, maximum strength and focus were needed there now.

Bakhmut district in the Donetsk region is currently the scene of the fiercest fighting on all fronts of the Russo-Ukrainian War. While the situation remains stable in most divisions, the Russian offensive into the strategically important Bakhmut region has been going on for almost several months now. The city is now almost completely destroyed.

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Ukraine is on its way to the European Union. “Two steps forward, one step back”
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