Toronto Police have confirmed that an investigation has been launched into who removed the statue. Toronto Police spokesman Alex Lee said he did not know how he was thrown from his pedestal.
This was the statue Targeted by requests Last Tuesday.
The demonstration, which took place on Sunday afternoon, kicked off in the lawn in front of Queens Park. It was organized with the aim of bringing life to life The remains of 215 children were found Buried in the grounds of a former Indian boarding school in the Kamloops, British Columbia.
Event a Opportunity for the Canadian public to understand the gravity of the situation. 215 children represent the stories that our survivors have lived through for decades. They talk about children who have never turned it into a home, children who have been murdered, children who have died of premature causes in schools and children who have not been properly buried.
, One of the organizers, Brianna Olson-Pitavanakwad, explained in an interview with CBC News.
Protesters gathered to listen to speeches before taking to the streets. They stopped for a while in front of the statue of Egerton Rierson before heading to Yong-Dandas Square.
The statue was not built until the afternoon.
Toronto police have confirmed that the statue remained on its pedestal after protesters passed by.
Founder of the public education system in Ontario, Rearson was instrumental in shaping the Canadian residential school system.
The university said Tuesday that a special commission comprising students, faculty and others is preparing a report on the legacy of Ryerson in the fall of 2021.
“Pop culture practitioner. Award-winning tv junkie. Creator. Devoted food geek. Twitter lover. Beer enthusiast.”