Uncharted, The Last of Us etc.  Should the “new look” be the same as the original?

I repeat this often in my words and I probably won’t leave it soon – We live in times of massive influx of all popular culture content. You can sometimes even get the impression of a strange excess. Sometimes there’s a lot of it, and we don’t keep up with the next content and it results in irritation, rather than the fun that should emanate from the plot.

This is due to the technological rush, which means that today’s game can be created by anyone with minimal programming concept, and the movie can be recorded with a smartphone for several thousand zlotys. So the key is creativity, and people don’t (usually) lack it. However, as we know, the more production, the more pressure on it Create something that didn’t exist yet. Not even in relation to popular culture itself, but simply its plot.

Hence the very frequent “New Visions” of famous works. We get movies based on books, series based on movies, games based on series, comics based on games, etc… You can narrate and share them, and it is true that the intersection of certain branches of popular culture no longer exists today as a unique event, but Just a standard even daily life.


However, this is not It all passes without much echo. It is clear that when a business is created based on a brand with universal publicity, everyone talks about it and writes about it. The fan bases of brands like Star Wars, Marvel, Sonic, and The Lord of the Rings are huge on a global scale. So when something new is created, it instantly falls under the watchful eye of the greatest fan.

The Witcher Netflix

They do not know comfort. Every deviation, every variation, every breach of certain rules is subject to severe criticism. We’ve seen her many times before, and we’ll probably see her again and again. This was the case with “The Witcher” on Netflix, which differed so much from the atmosphere of the book, or the recent “Uncharted” with Tom Holland, that we didn’t get a direct translation of any of the games.

Of course, the biggest publicity is generated when any production is translated into a movie or an analog series. why? Well, it’s very difficult to recreate person to person what the characters in the animated frames would have looked like, or – Here the task is almost impossible How they appeared in our minds when we read about them. After all, no one can please everyone.

Adaptation and examination

Here there are some differences that are often overlooked. Well, that kind of translates to “new views” and “crossovers between branches of popular culture” (this is not an official concept, you are not influenced by it) Movies can be divided into two main groups. Both are often used as alternatives, and in practice they refer to two completely different issues.

the last of us

As you can imagine from the subtitle of this piece of text, it’s all about screen tweaks and adaptations. The first is a faithful re-creation of the original work and the most accurate transfer of the prototype to film form. In fact, the screenwriter or director here mainly focuses on So the new message can tell the same storyWhat do they depend on.

It varies with adaptation. Here I am dealing with some kind of modification of the original. Creators have greater creative freedom and can tolerate a much wider range of activities and freedom of interpretation. They often use specific elements and the general backbone of the novel, but present the entire circumstance in an entirely different form, for example.

Does it have to be the same?

My answer will probably be met with a lynching, but I think it doesn’t have to be the same. While adaptation should really take care of as much similarity as possible, I would really appreciate it in case of adaptationWhen creators have their own idea to present the world. And I say this with the full awareness of some “nonsense”. I will never forget the malaise I felt during the screening of Dragon Ball: Evolution.

Dragon Ball Evolution

However, I think so It is not always necessary to follow the careful planning of the original assumptions. I’m one of those people who wouldn’t mind the race in Lord of the Rings looking different than before. I also don’t mind how Ciri was introduced in The Witcher on Netflix. And to go further – I’m so warm to the new “Uncharted” movie.

It is worth giving up

The easiest way to deal with this disgust is simply Leave a bit and give up the tone. There is no need to approach specific insights regarding the issue of life and death. If you don’t like it, you don’t need to watch, right? We have so many different works, such a deluge of production (as I mentioned at the beginning), that we must choose the ones that give us joy.

And if someone is bothered by a different skin tone, a change in height, the direction of the heroes or just some creative departure from some creative adaptation of the known universe – just don’t watch. it’s very A cliched and seemingly stupid solutionBut they are often the best and easiest to implement. Let’s not get angry about such things, it is not worth it.

In all of this, in the end, I would like to emphasize that I do not mean to completely indulge the creators when it comes to complete “profane”. Although it may be a very powerful word and It would be more convenient – “make income”. When rebranding is changed, just to make money on suckers, we should stigmatize it. Point your fingers, swipe, and stop taking any further steps. So it’s all not just about the nomenclature, it’s also about a broader context.

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