Urgent!  Energy voucher.  We already know what the anti-inflationary shield is supposed to be.  Who will get additional fees for electricity, gas and fuel: 11/11/2021

Anti-inflation shield, electricity subsidies, energy bill – government announcements to support the poor who have the most problems with price hikes are starting to take shape. Supposed to be an energy voucher. How much will it be, who will get it, what will he spend – so far there is only public data in the design version. We collected and analyzed it and it turned out that the support for up to 2 million families will amount to 60-130 PLN per month. With about 13.6 million households, one in seven will get an energy voucher, as it’s easy to count.

At first it was about subsidizing electricity bills. This solution was to compensate the poorest of the so-called end users twofold increases in the price of electricity. Then, however, future inflation, as high as 7 percent, that was just as annoying — if not more so — for households was the massive increases in gas and fuel prices at gas stations.
They make Poles’ wallets so empty. At the same time, inflation does not mean higher and much higher increases in food prices – although this is also noticeable – but is associated with increases in energy carriers, the end of which is not in sight.
There was also the slogan of the anti-inflation shield, ie helping the poorest families, which would have a protective effect on any increases.
And this is how the idea of ​​the energy voucher was born, which the Ministry of Climate is working hard on.

It is already known that about 2 million families in Poland will receive the energy voucher, the criterion for its award will be the income in these families. According to the first concepts, energy voucher holders have a lot of freedom in terms of the goals for which they can allocate co-financing: from January 2022 they will be able to pay electricity and gas bills, and even make payments when buying fuel at petrol stations.

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According to preliminary announcements, the budget for energy bills will amount to 1.5-3 billion PLN. This means that the family, on average, will receive 750-1500 PLN throughout 2022. Dividing it into months gives the amount 60-130 PLN.
As you can see, these amounts are not impressive. However, according to preliminary announcements, the amount of energy bills is determined from month to month. Therefore, the main assistance is expected to focus on the first half of the year, when the gas and electricity bills due to the heating season are especially troublesome for households.
And what then we couldn’t see. In the government’s view, inflation should slow through 2022; In the state budget for 2022, it was assumed that it would reach an average of 3.3 percent.

The Polish tourism voucher experiences and the gradual digitization of public services prompted the government to use the voucher formula. Once you ensure that the next social transfer of families will be for the purpose of subsidies and not other “fuels”. Secondly, the electronic form makes it possible to save a different amount every month and possibly expand or narrow the range of services that will be paid for using the voucher.

Gas, diesel, liquefied petroleum gas: Basic fuel prices exceed PLN 6, and have nearly halved in the past 12 months
Gas: Prices are up 7 percent since October. There will be another increase soon
electricity: The head of the Energy Regulatory Office (the market regulator that approves price lists for electricity suppliers) announced that the increases would be double-digit.


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