Vaccine |  77% of health workers in Quebec received two doses

(Quebec) Half of Quebec’s administrative areas are adequately vaccinated for 75% of health workers.

Caroline Plant
Canadian Press

Across the state, 77% of workers in public and private companies under the agreement have received two vaccines against Govt-19, according to a recent compilation by the Ministry of Health.

But the numbers vary by region. Thus, only 68% of health workers are adequately vaccinated in the Nunavிக் area, while 87% are in the Cospace-Iles-de-La-Madeleine area.

The Quebec government aims to provide two doses of the vaccine to 75% of Cubans aged 12 and over by August 31.

Areas with the lowest total vaccination rates among health workers are: Outois (69%), Micrici-Center-to-Quebec (71%), Estri (72%), Abidpi (72%) and Laurentians (72%).

These rates are for employees of health networks working in hospitals, CHSLTs, youth centers, CLSCs and especially in home care and rehabilitation centers.

Keep in mind that employees of the Health and Social Service Network have been covered by Ministry Order 2021-024 since April and must provide their employer with proof of vaccination against Govt-19.

Workers who have not been vaccinated for more than 14 days and those who refuse to provide vaccination certification should be re-vaccinated three times a week.

Last May, the anti-liberals raised concerns about the lack of interest in vaccination among CHSLT staff.

“We want to make sure that the progress of the vaccine is reflected in the most important areas because we do not see eruptions again,” said MP Mary Montbeat.

Vaccination for health workers began in December 2020.

On Tuesday, the Ministry of Health said it was “satisfied” with the percentages, but we are continuing our operations. […] That’s the maximum [de travailleurs de la santé] Adequate vaccination is given.

“Many local initiatives are being used to promote the vaccination of health workers within the CISSS and CIUSSS,” said Marjorie Larouch, public relations officer.

No educational data

In addition, the Ministry of Health confirms that teachers and school staff do not have data on vaccinations.

As the new school year draws to a close, many are wondering if schools will be safe places in the context of the fourth wave.

“After verification […], I confirm that we do not have these figures because employees do not have to inform their employers whether employees are being vaccinated or not “, explained Ms.Me Laroch.

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