“Voice of Poland”.  Viewers were outraged by Piekarczyk’s decision.  “Dishonest. Follows his likes and dislikes.”

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W “Poland’s voice“The game is about to take part in the final. Viewers get to know the participants well and clearly cheer each other. Therefore, every decision made by the jurors on the web is immediately commented on.

Watch the video
Bednarik to Baron: “Bring the cauldron to the pot, it smears itself” [fragment The Voice of Poland]

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“Voice of Poland”. Piekarczyk disappointed the audience

The most criticized after the last episode of the musical show TVPPoland’s voice” I was Marek Bikarczyk. On Saturday, viewers can watch the performances of twelve participants. The TSA singer team was introduced by Karolina Robinson, Bartosz Madej and Anna Hnatowicz-Cholewa.

Marek Bikarczyk From the very beginning, according to viewers, she prefers Carolina. She was highly criticized for her performance Justina SteczkowskaWho accused her of dirty singing.

That’s not high enough for the “Voice of Poland” quarter-finals – singer Carolina’s vocals commented.

However, Marek bakery I decided that Carolina Robinson, and not Anna Hanatovich Chuliwa, deserved more participation in the program.

Viewers did not spare any sarcastic comments towards the jury.

Marek, next week, please blink twice into the camera if someone pays you to do this, because that’s the only logical explanation for what you’re doing?

It is a pity that Ania withdrew, and she should not, because she sang wonderfully, but as you can see, Mr. Marek has a weakness for Carolina, although she does not sing much.

Mr. Marek is dishonest, he is not guided by those who can do something, but by his own sympathy, which he said today …

Alexandra Kwanevska, Cuba BadachKwaśniewska openly talks about childlessness. Some mothers are not satisfied.

What do you think of Marek Bikarczyk’s decision? Do you think Carolina should leave the show? Have you seen her performance?

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