Volkswagen Passat Sedan – can no longer be ordered, a sign of the times

You may not like your Volkswagen Passat, but you can’t take off the crown for it. Or maybe? The king of the middle class got a yellow card (and from the board himself!) so he had to say goodbye to one copy. Which? The one who loses the most compared to the dominant SUV in the sales rankings. Customers can no longer order the new Passat with a sedan body – the car has disappeared from the configurator and says goodbye to the old continent.

Hubert Niedzielski, director of public relations for the Volkswagen brand, confirmed that the sedan is no longer available. – Briefly and to the point: We have closed production of the Passat Limousine version, therefore it is not on the website and we do not accept new orders – we were informed when asked for comment. If someone is thinking of buying this version, they should look for free copies in stock at merchants. This however can be a certain challenge General availability problems for new cars.

Screenshot of the VW component.  There is only a Passat Variant

Photo: ekranu

Screenshot of the VW component. There is only a Passat Variant

The end of the Volkswagen Passat three in Europe

When Volkswagen began selling the restyled Passat B8 in 2019, the brand thrived on record: “This is indeed the 30 millionth car! No other business limousine in the world has been sold in greater numbers than the Volkswagen Passat.” And although in the 48 years since its first appearance on the market, more than 30 million Passats have been delivered to customers, the decline of sedans means that it is no longer worthwhile to produce the three-box variant. Not only in our part of the world – with your own Passat The Americans also said goodbye.

However, the company doesn’t intend to completely kill the iconic model. Withdrawing from the sedan offer does not change the real estate market situation – the Volkswagen Passat Variant is still available and can be configured on the website. According to our information, this variety will remain on display at least until the end of 2023, and maybe even the beginning of 2024. Later it will be replaced by … and not, because it is not. Electric SUVs! It will be just a petrol cart.

See visualizations: The new Volkswagen Passat – just a station wagon

Although the model does not completely disappear from the market, the end of production of the German sedan also closes an era in the automotive industry. Today, customers are mad about more practical SUVs, hatchbacks and station wagons. Classic sedans coming off the pedestal are a thing of the past, and the Passat isn’t the first – and probably won’t be the last.

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