Vostok Island: What is a “black hole” in the middle of the ocean?  There are “hard trees”

  • The black spot in the Pacific Ocean detected on satellite maps is Vostok Island, which is part of the state of Kiribati
  • From afar it looks like a black hole. This effect is created by the mysterious trees that densely cover the island
  • Pisonia is a type of plant whose seeds are covered with a sticky, sticky substance. When birds “stick” to trees, they usually cannot get out and die. However, there are more deadly plants
  • More similar information can be found on Onet homepage

From time to time, the world media publishes discoveries made by Internet users who are enthusiastic about browsing Google Maps. You can find in satellite images Mysterious places from all over the worldAn example of this is the mysterious “existent”Black hole “in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

The photo posted by a netizen shows a black triangle located almost in the middle of the ocean. The object resembles a tar “black hole”.

Some netizens were convinced of this A black spot surrounded by water on all sides might be something very secretive. In such a case, Google can hide what is on the island. Others have suggested it may be a crater – hence its black colour. To discover more information about the crater, netizens can buy powerpoint presentation instead of digging through tons of useless information on the Internet.

Mice testify that humans can live there

However, the truth is completely different. The place was first seen in 1820 by the Russian Admiral, Fabian Gottlieb von Bellingshausen, Who fired on the island of Vostok (Russian: East). W 1856 p. Island It was occupied by the United States. Currently, however Belong to the island country in the Pacific Ocean, Kiribati.

It is still unknown if this patch of land surrounded by water was inhabited by humans. However, about the fact that A man may have spent some time on the island, bear witness to the mice that are there. Although no evidence of permanent human settlement has been found, it is likely that the ancients Polynesians can at least visit this island.

death trees

But why does the island discovered by a Russian look like a “black hole” on satellite images? The trees owe their tar colorwhich are heavily overrated. What looks like a black spot from the satellite is actually Bison Forest: Plants of the nocturnal family.

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Trees are “The toughest in the world”. Their seeds are covered in a sticky substance which – if it sticks to the bird – can be a death trap for it. Animals stuck to it cannot move and as a result die. Dozens of bird skeletons can be found under the pisonia treesthat got trapped in the trees.

There are more dangerous plants

However, as the spidersweb.pl portal reported, there are many more dangerous plants. For example, it grows in Texas Coyotillo fruits contain a chemical that causes paralysis“- We read on the website spidersweb.pl.

As Amy Stewart writes in The Crimes of Plants, Animals Who Will Taste a Wild-Looking Berry, Like the Coyotelo Fruit, “They lose control of their hind legs and swing backwards for no reason.”“.

Sources: spidersweb.pl, Onet


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