On Monday, the Russians carried out intense attacks in several regions of Ukraine. And there were a lot of them Targeting civilian objects Unfortunately, there were deaths, including children. In the town of Poltava, a missile hit a residential building.
“A difficult evening for the Poltava region. Unfortunately, one person was killed as a result of an enemy attack on a civilian house. According to preliminary information, one person was killed.” Five people“Among them are three children,” the head of the Poltava region, Philip Pronin, wrote on the Telegram channel.
As a result of the shock, a fire broke out in the house. Thanks to the work of relevant services, an endangered individual was rescued from a nearby building. Ultimately, several homes were damaged in the raid.
The Ukrainian Suspline channel, citing its correspondent, added that Russia also attacked in Poltava Two-storey residence. According to this source, there are injuries 10 other peopleAnd one person died.
War in Ukraine. Attacks on civilian infrastructure. There are victims
Sumy Oblast was also damaged in Monday's airstrikes. The Ukrainian Interior Ministry reported that the Russian military hit the central part of Belopol with three aerial bombs. As a result, a woman was killed and two people were injured. The shells damaged residential and administrative buildings and vehicles in the area.
There was also an air raid on the city of Sumy itself. There, Russian weapons injured three people.
A serious attack in Seledive in the Donetsk region led to Damage to a nine-storey residential building. As the Ukraińska Pravda portal wrote, the ceiling collapsed between the fifth and sixth floors. There was a fire.
Emergency workers helped injured residents, some of whom were unable to leave the building on their own. Among those infected are: An elderly couple and a 16 year old girl.
In this case Preparatory measures have begun Regarding violations of the laws and customs of war.
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