Limanua / Mszana Dolna. A Class 1 Air Pollution Warning has been issued for the Limanowa poviat area, effective today from 6:00 to 24:00.

Warning of the dangers of exceeding the permissible level of PM10 dust due to increased pollutant emissions and unfavorable meteorological conditions.

applicable restrictions
It is forbidden to use stoves and heaters for coal or wood (goat, tile stoves), if they are not the only source of heat (in Krakow, all stoves and heaters for coal and wood are prohibited to be used throughout the year).

health recommendations
Consider limiting strenuous outdoor exercise if you have burning eyes, coughing, or sore throats.
Reduce room ventilation.
Avoid activities that increase air pollution, such as using a car, using leaf blowers, and starting fires.

Additional recommendations for people who are more sensitive to air pollution
(Children, adolescents, the elderly, the elderly, people with disorders of the respiratory or circulatory system, people occupationally exposed to dust, smokers and passive smokers)
Minimize strenuous exercise outside.
Do not forget about the medicines that you usually take.
People with asthma may have more severe symptoms (shortness of breath, cough, wheezing) and need their medication more often than usual.

If symptoms worsen, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Municipal authorities are committed to conducting extensive checks to prevent burning of waste.

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