Watch iconic Studio Ghibli animation on the big screen

The Japanese studio Ghibli has created many famous works, and the premieres of its films are eagerly awaited by Walt Disney films. The films of Isao Takahata and Hayao Miyazaki, the studio's founders, have been in the canon of world cinema for years, and not just among anime fans. Gutek Film has acquired the cinema rights to six Studio Ghibli titles: “Spirited Away,” “Howl's Moving Castle,” “Princess Mononoke,” “Ponyo,” “The Secret World of Arrietty,” and “The Cat Bride.” . The films are included in the program of the upcoming Warsaw Immortal Film Festival. You'll be able to see them again (or for the first time) in the cinema in April!

“Away from the Spirit: In the Land of the Gods” (2001), winner of the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, is undoubtedly the most celebrated title in Hayao Miyazaki's achievements. A colorful land of anime nods to Japanese theme parks created in the prosperous times of the 1980s, Film City is a symbolic place where Shinto traditions and middle-class consumerism meet. The magical mingling of worlds occurs here according to Miyazaki's style, which involves the plot being carried from one connection to another. It's worth starting your Japanese anime adventure with this title.

During the festival, you will also be able to see another triumph of Miyazaki’s imagination after the movie “Spirited Away”. “Howl's Moving Castle” (2004) or finally “Prince Mononoke” (1997), considered by many to be the pinnacle of the director's achievements. By combining two elements – humanity's destructive impulse and nature's untamed call – the plot resembles the movie “Avatar.” However, “Princess Mononoke” is more precise – both in pronunciation and in its sparing use of digital technologies.

For the most die-hard fans of Miyazaki's work, festival organizers on Saturday prepared an all-night marathon of three of the director's films.

The program of the upcoming Warsaw Timeless Film Festival also includes films that you can watch with the whole family. “treatment” (2008), winner of the Special Prize at the Venice Film Festival, is one of the few Hayao Miyazaki animations that can be safely shown to young children (5+). Despite the age limit, the creator does not simplify the scenario's dilemmas or abandon the horror scenes. On weekend mornings, offerings for the whole family will also include: “The Cat Bride” Hiroyuki Morita (7+) (2004), outlining the motor skills of cats in all their elegance and intelligence, and “Arrieta's secret world” Hiromasei Yonebayashijo (7+) (2010).

The distributor of the above films is Gutek Film. The following will be shown again – or for the first time – in select cinemas:

“Away from the Spirit: In the Land of the Gods”
“Howl's Moving Castle”
“Prince Mononoke”
“Ariete's secret world”
“The Cat Bride”

Tickets for the Warsaw Immortal Film Festival are now on sale! Buy on:
The full festival program will be announced on March 6.


Warsaw Immortal Film Festival (April 8-15, 2024)
The best stories are timeless – that's the slogan of the new (although dating back) festival on the map of Warsaw. The Timeless Warsaw Film Festival is a celebration of film classics. However, the classics are not only about the history of masterpieces. The festival will present and question the canon, showcase prestigious works and find a place for lesser-known films in Poland, bringing together Polish and world cinema.

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