Water levels in several Polish rivers are low. The warning level has also been exceeded. IMWM provides details

Institute of Meteorology and Water Management It said that on Friday, August 16, flows below SNQ – the multi-year average low flow – were recorded at 196 hydrological stations, which constitutes about 20 percent of all measuring points. This is the highest result this year.

Watch the video What’s causing the tragic state of Polish rivers? Piotr Bednarek explains

More than 60 percent of areas with low water levels in Poland

“Today, the water level is as follows: – Low water area 62 percent; – Medium water area 34 percent; – High water area 4 percent. Over the past 24 hours, there has been stability and a slight decrease in the water level in the rivers. The level of one hydrological station has been exceeded.” Reported on X IMWM platformThe Institute of Meteorology and Water Management published graphics clearly showing rivers with low water levels. They mainly affected southern Poland, the center and the north-east of the country.

IMWM also issued a hydrological warning.

Despite the low water level in many areas Polish Rivers, Meteorology and Water Management Institute warns of sudden exceeding of warning levels related to the occurrence of StormsSo far, the 17 cm high water alert level has already been exceeded at the Odolano hydrological station in pelvis Audra said on Friday: “In areas where heavy rainfall is expected, on small rivers and in urban watersheds, there may be sudden increases in water levels and warning levels may be exceeded.” IMGW and X.

The level 1 hydrological warning applies to the eastern and southern parts of Poland. As reported, level 1 storm warnings have been issued in the same areas. They mainly concern the Warmian-Masurian, Podlaskie, Lublin, Podkarpackie and Lesser Poland Voivodes. In due course Storms Wind speed reaches 80 km/h.

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