We are dealing with a big lie.  The Poles will pay a heavy price for this

The whole country is working to ensure that prices on the Vistula River do not rise before the elections. on the contrary – We are supposed to have the impression that Poland is an isolated island run by the best government in the world that cares about Poles. He is not affected by anything and controls the economy manually, without causing any disruption, because he knows how to do it. Everything for our benefit, everything for our wallet. Sounds nice, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, this is a massive fraud and mirage drawn up for the election by the United Right. After October 15, Poland will have to foot the bill. huge.

The rest of the article is below the video

See also: Prices at gas stations will break the magic limit. “It’s really happening”

Orlin and company influence inflation by constructing a mirage of low prices

The most amazing display of green lawn paint was given by Orlin. At money.pl we were one of the first to write about this Something is wrong with fuel prices in Poland. Our text about the anomalies noticed by the Americans at the stations was read by more than a million people. A nationwide discussion has erupted about how this could happen with the value of the zloty rapidly depreciating (down nearly 6% against the dollar in one month) and oil prices rising (Brent crude rose from $75 a barrel in June to nearly $95). ). currently), Fuel prices on the Vistula River are not rising, but are actually falling. The answer is politics. Politics only.

Orlen artificially lowers fuel prices. This is a fact. If historical relations are maintained, diesel prices could reach around PLN 7.50 per litre. This is more than 20 percent. More than the current price. Just to be clear, the world knows such tricks. There are signs that France’s largest operator has frozen prices at €1.99 per litre, when according to market indicators, they should be about 5 percent lower. higher. However, it is 5%, not 20%.

Viktor Orban also made his contribution by freezing prices before last year’s elections so effectively that stations eventually ran out of fuel, and when he restored the normal price, an economic crisis erupted. The inflation rate was well above 20 percent, This prompted the head of the local central bank to publicly criticize Fidesz’s economic policyWhich had never happened to him before.

Inflation is forcefully suppressed by the government. Everything is on time

In Poland, we are much closer to Hungary than the French. The 20 percent non-market gap between what should be and what exists is a huge difference that affects the overall level of inflation in our country. mBank calculated that by up to 1.6 percentage points. The scissors are opened especially for the value of inflation in October, where instead of 8.6 percent. We will see something closer to 7%. This is the rate of falling inflation (CPI, i.e. the consumer inflation rate we deal with in stores), Which will be an incentive for further cuts in interest rates. However, this value is wrong. forged. It was spoiled by political necessity.

By lowering fuel prices, according to Politika Insight, Orlen can use emergency reserves, which we have for 90 days and which we activate in case of disasters such as war. The Ministry of Climate denies that such a practice occurs. However, there are already voices saying so Daniel Obajtic’s conduct prior to the election may violate the Strategic Reserves Act and actually be harmful to the Company. There are already prosecution charges for this purpose.

And so we will float in fuel clouds until October 15th. Although the President of Orlen himself warned that artificially lowering prices could lead to shortages at border gas stations, nevertheless Now he wants to work for PiS, because his entire career hangs on PiS. So he does it for his own good. His followers, salary and power over the region are the biggest concern. According to our information, the Czechs knock on the doors and windows of the border stations and buy all the fuel. Therefore, Orlen’s movements are considered a time bomb.

Regardless, in the coming weeks the government will show that it is keeping an eye on inflation and looking after our pockets. Fuel affects prices throughout the economy. The cheaper it is at gas stations, the lower the costs incurred by entrepreneurs.

However, there is no point in deceiving yourself. After the election, Orlen will have to raise prices to market rates to restore market balance and rebuild inventories. When it comes to fuel, one would like to say, “Wait a minute.” The increases may be sharper and higher than they would have been if Orlean had not performed political miracles on the edifice.

What next for prices in the country? We will have to pay for government promotions

But the government does not stop at fuel and works decisively. Inflation must also be artificially suppressed through retrospective reductions in electricity prices (about 0.5 percentage points below the CPI) or the provision of free medicines to specific groups of patients. The Central Statistical Office will include all these “government upgrades” in the monthly inflation data. To be clear, the office has issued a statement on this matter. The entire state and all its offices must work for our prosperity.

“The government is once again putting its foot forward in the fight against inflation in conditions where core inflation remains high at 10%, although declining, in Poland, and In its latest economic forecasts, the OECD draws attention to the associated global challenges. – Warn Confederation Juggernaut.

You, reader, should know that there is no such thing as a “free lunch” in economics. It is impossible to manually control economic processes without causing various bulges, distortions and problems in other places. Orlin’s movements are therefore already causing problems, for example in the wholesale market, among others. diesel. Energy prices will likely return to normal next year. The value-added tax on food will also eventually have to be restored to the old rates. Any negative effects of the Polish People’s Republic’s united right approach to the economy will be postponed over time, but will not disappear.

Poland has the highest inflation rate in Europe

According to many well-known organizations, in 2024 Poland may see the highest inflation rate in Europe. This is a real bill we will have to pay. Every day will eat up our savings, drain our wallets, and reduce wage increases.

Goldman Sachs wrote a few weeks ago that regardless of the election results, after the Poles vote, the National Bank of Japan will start behaving as it should, and will no longer be willing to cut interest rates. He wouldn’t have to anyway. Politically, it will fulfill Nowogrodzka’s expectations. But for now, Prof. Glabinski has to clean himself up and intervene verbally in the market, because our currency is taking one blow after another and cannot recover from the incomprehensible reduction of interest rates at the beginning of September. The weak zloty is another factor contributing to higher inflation next year.

That’s why there is no shortage of economists who go further and point this out Price increases may accelerate at the end of next year, which will force the Monetary Policy Board to increase the cost of money on the Vistula. This would cause another blow to borrowers. We will find ourselves between a rock and a hard place again. They are oppressed by high loan installments and, on the other hand, by constant price increases in stores.

But this is the future. Politicians hope we won’t bother them. Now we should be happy and thank the ruling party for all these gifts. Preferably at the ballot box. But the economy will take care of itself and bill us for it. All of us will get it, without exception. It will arrive just after October 15th.

Damian Szymanski, vice president and journalist money.pl

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