We are: these young people who live without compromise

About 5 years ago, Jordan Dupuis and Anne-Lovely Etienne had the idea to move away from youth fiction with a documentary television magazine. This summer, they are filming We got thereThe project for Unis TV is close to their hearts because they want young people from Quebec and other parts of Canada to be their role models.

“When we were teenagers, we didn’t have inspiring role models. We didn’t have anything around us,” says Jordan Dupuis, one of the creators and animators, but also a producer of the show’s content.

Jordan Dupuis, who is gay and struggles with an eating disorder, will host the show alongside Anne-Lovely Etienne, who has experienced racism, and Vanessa Dumochel, a woman who considers her ‘wonderfulness’ and her body heterogeneity.

Firmly rooted in the reality of 2022, We got there Confronted the principal concerned with some of his prejudices and concerns.

Immersion, interview and challenge

Among other things, he met a 16-year-old trans man who, like him, had a mastectomy, but, unlike him, easily reveals the changes in his body on social networks. So impressed was he that he even went so far as to star in a photo shoot with him.

“There’s this desire to understand the new generation, to direct it, to be inspired by it, to have a generational ‘acceptance,'” says Jordan.

Each episode of the magazine includes an immersion, an interview and a challenge. The person in sport will revolve around the sport of “full contact” roller derby for women, introduce the Quebec Bulldogs wheelchair basketball team and give the platform to the province’s youngest male cheerleader.

The authenticity that emanates from the young people they meet is a personality trait Jordan admires.

“These youths are uncompromising. They don’t act against older generations, they don’t care. They just got there. I tried talking to the 16-year-old about transphobia, but he wasn’t having it. His school in Sherbrooke has four trans students with an LGBT group. »

A great strength

Through this show, he wants to create a dialogue between generations and hopes that today’s youth can recognize the group power they have.

“We want the youth to remember that they are the vector of change and that they are not alone. What makes them unique is their strength. This will take them further. »

The team We got there Still shooting for a few weeks. 10 30-minute episodes of the show will be aired by Unis TV next spring. Podcast series and digital capsules will enhance the offering.

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