We compared prices in Poland and the Czech Republic. We came to a surprising conclusion.

  • In Poland, it is profitable for Czechs to buy vegetables and fruits, as well as dairy products, juices, cigarettes and vodka. Here, the differences in favor of our country can be really significant.
  • However, it turns out that in some cases it can also be profitable for Poles to go shopping to the Czech Republic.
  • Our comparison shows that sweetened drinks, oils, beer, cosmetics, cleaning products and, above all, diapers are much cheaper there.
  • For 37 of the same products in the Czech Republic, we would pay 2398.6 crowns, or exactly 407.76 Polish zlotys. In Poland, the same purchases were cheaper.
  • You can find more of these articles on the Onet home page.

We have a similar standard of living, consumption is at a similar level in both countries, and neither country has adopted the euro yet because they prefer to use their own currency. Poland and the Czech Republic, despite their many differences, are still the most similar countries in Europe in many ways.

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