Weronika Rosati will completely embarrass Bachleda-Curuś.  Her daughter is 6 years old, and she is already better than Alicia's teenage son – Super Express

Alicia Bashlida Koros did not teach her son the Polish language

It's hard to believe Alicja Bachleda-Curuś's son will turn 15 this year. A year ago, the teenager appeared with his Hollywood star father Colin Farrell at the Oscars and attracted attention from Polish and international media. Henry Tadeusz gave interviews and performed amazingly on the red carpet.

In one of the interviews Alicja Bachleda-Curuś revealed that her son wants to become an actor. She also revealed that unfortunately she does not speak Polish…

– Although I really wanted him to speak mainly Polish, English became easier for him, he could hear it around him, and I, in turn, wanted to be able to communicate with him as quickly as possible. I gave upI honestly admitted why Polish netizens left no stone unturned in this matter.

Alessia added that Henry Tadeusz mainly spoke Polish with his grandparents. But he has to prepare well for that.

– He prepares complete statements about how to go to his grandparents, and this makes him very happy – She said.

Does Weronika Rosati's daughter speak Polish?

As it turns out, the situation is completely different in my daughter's case Veronica Rosati, who was born in Los Angeles. Elizabeth has just turned six years old. As the actress revealed, she made sure she spoke Polish well.

On weekends, Ella goes to Polish school because we speak English and Polish at home. I wanted her to learn the Polish language better, learn about Polish culture and history – Veronica Rosati said in her latest interview with “Viva”.

Are Alicia Bachelda Corros and Veronica Rosati competing for the roles?

Alicja Bachleda-Curuś and Weronika Rosati did not become friends, although they live in the same city and have mutual friends. See: Alicia Bachlida Koros was caught with a handsome Pole. He once dated Rosati. What about marrying a millionaire? However, they stress that they are not competitors. Rosati emphasizes how different they are.

– In my opinion, we are not competitors because we are completely different. Because of my Mediterranean beauty, they didn't want to take me to auditions for Polish women's roles. We don't fit into the same roles. If anything, I'm competing with Italians, not Polish women Weronica Rosati said in an interview with Beljada. – I don't know Alicia's filmography well enough to comment on it, but given her Slavic beauty, I think she gets completely different roles than me. We actually shared the same cast several times, but in most cases, I appeared where the Italian or French actresses were – Rosati stressed. – Talking about competition between me and Alicia is completely nonsense. I support not only her, but also, among others, Asia Kulig, whom I admire very much as an actress. I am so proud of her amazing successes and adore her as a person. It's a great – she added.

Which actress do you prefer – Alicja Bachleda-Curuś or Weronika Rosati? Vote in the poll below.

Veronica Rosati accuses Piotr Adamczyk: “He paralyzed me for life.” And now…

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