What to do to make a December tree bloom in winter? Fertilize the plant in late summer

Grudnik fits perfectly into the winter aura. It blooms for several weeks in November and December. Not everyone knows that it needs to be cared for all year round to make it a beautiful Christmas decoration. August and September are ideal months for planting..That’s not all…

In the months before the plant blooms, we must also provide it with important nutrients that ensure long and abundant blooming during the holiday season. Learn now how to care for your December tree in the summer so that it will delight you with its colorful flowers in the winter..

In August and September we limit it. Watering the December Tree. In late summer, we focus on fertilizing it.How to fertilize the plant during these months?

We can use tomato fertilizer.It is rich in nutrients that stimulate flowering. We use it once a week..

Another option is to prepare natural fertilizers from banana peels.Because it contains large amounts of potassium and nitrogen. Simply pour warm water over the waste and leave it in a cool, dark place for 24 hours.After this time, we dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:1 and water the plant with it once a week until the flowering ends.

The beetle has a specific care schedule.We have to stick with it so that the specimen blooms beautifully in November and December. How to grow it?

As mentioned, August and September are the months for intensive fertilization of the plant. In the fall we reduce the frequency of watering and feeding with nutrients..Then the plant will prepare to flower.

In December, when it blooms, we limit its care to a minimum. All we have to do is water it moderately..

After flowering, the garden needs time to regenerate, so we stop fertilizing it completely.We resume gentle fertilization in early spring – then a new cycle begins for this plant.

See also:

Mix with water and water the yucca. The effect will surprise you.

Don’t know what to do with apple drops? Arrange them under hydrangeas and the effect will surprise you.

Plant these beautiful flowers now. You definitely won’t regret it.

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