Why aren’t Alexandra Lamy and Jean Dujardin in the remake of “A Boy, A Girl”?

A boy is a girl Without Alexandra Lamy and Jean Dujardin, would it have been possible?

Well yes! Because the show is commemorating twenty years of the legendary series, and that wouldn’t be right A boy is a girl… Further a boy, a girl (plural). This subtlety reveals Le Picaro, Conceals another point. Instead of our usual chouchou and lulu, many couples will simulate them.

About fifteen couples would therefore be the heroes of a liturgical series, instead of a painting. JoeyStarr, Barbara Schulz, Mathieu Madenian or even Shy’m. To spice up the two evenings at the main time, paintings at that timea boy, a girl (plural) To be aired, TF1 is also calling for real couples. Inès Reg and her husband, Kévin Debonne, Faustine Bollaert and Maxime Chattam and Stéphane Bern and his spouse Yori Bailleres will play a couple of daily games in front of the camera.

On the other hand, Alexandra Lamy and Jean Dujardin met and fell in love on set.A boy is a girlHe declined the invitation to return the card.

“We contacted them. Alexandra kindly declined, explaining that her role had stuck with her for a long time. But she found the idea brilliant and promised to see this version,” notes producer Florence Bautaud. Jean Dujardin allowed his agent to respond. He explained that the actor was not ready for adventure.

These two tribute evenings will be an opportunity to see if Chouchou and Lulu have life after the pairing created by Alexandra Lamy and Jean Dujardin.

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